The Present and The Future

Call for Short Papers

Chairs: Alireza IBRAHIMI | Hossein REZAYE
(Aviccena University, Kabul, Afghanistan)

Keywords: Bamiyan World Heritage, Buddha statues, preservation, reconstruction

In March 2001, the world observed the destruction of one of the greatest hits to the body of the contemporary world’s heritage by the Taliban regime. UNESCO immediately condemned the deliberate destruction of Buddha statues and called on the international community to cooperate to the preservation of Bamiyan World Heritage. Many countries declared their willingness to protect and restore the statues and carried out basic works such as conserving rock fragments and documenting.

Necessity and Importance:
Unfortunately, after 20 years, the preservation and reconstruction of Bamiyan World Heritage have not progressed as expected and even these days we see many walls and caves of Buddha statues falling due to erosion by sunlight and rain. On the other hand, it is a matter of concern that in the peace negotiations between Taliban and government, there is no talk of preservation the world’s heritage. The round table intends to invite researchers, experts in government and international organizations to review their role in the conservation of Bamiyan World Heritage and the following topics:

  • The status of the reconstruction of the Buddha statues and future ahead
  • Obstacles and problems in preservation the Bamiyan World Heritage
  • New technologies towards conservation and reconstruction of Bamiyan World Heritage

Send us your submission until September 3, 2021