Niccolò ALBERTINI1 | Anna Margherita JASINK2
(1Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa | 2University of Florence, Italy)

Keywords: Aegean Archaeology, HDM technology, virtual reality, Haghia Triada

To make the knowledge of ancient historical-archaeological realities more attractive for a non-specialized audience recourse is extensively made to new technologies. We already presented (CHNT 18) a multimedia animation on the Minoan Haghia Triada “Villa” as the output of a research on the objects found in the “villa” itself. We believe that such an animation, realized with standard devices like personal computer and smartphones is a useful starting point of a more detailed and fascinating visit employing innovative devices. There are many benefits from the use of HDM (Head Mounted Display) data. The most important is that you have a total immersion given by stereoscopy and a very large FOV (Field Of View). Also the latest HDM (in particular Oculus Rift DK2) has many other types of sensors, such as gyroscopes, accelerometers and positional tracking systems, which allow for a precise localization and orientation of the user within the virtual environment. Concerning archaeological reconstructions, HDM affords a visualization able to more deeply display the dynamics of the virtual and actual reality of both the structure of the “villa” and the internal environments and the objects of interest. From the point of view of the visualization by a non-specialized audience, this novel approach makes the available data accessible in a simple, more immediate and lively way