Call for Papers

Rebeka VITAL1 | Costas PAPADOPOULOS2 | Dorina MOULLOU3 | Lambros DOULOS3 | Pedro LUEGO4
(1Shenkar. Design. Engineering. Arts, Israel | 2Netherlands | 3Greece | 4Spain)

Keywords: heritage, archaeology, lighting, simulation, visualization

Lighting, as a topic of theoretical, methodological, and practical endeavors crosses multiple fields and disciplines. Although it has been a neglected element in the interpretation of built environments, and consequently of humans’ experience and perception, a renewed interest, especially in the last decade, has made light a key component in heritage discussions. This session focuses on the cross-section between these two broad fields, namely heritage and lighting, in theoretical, methodological and technical applications, such museum designs, heritage sites’ development and archaeological interpretations. The aim of this sessions is to discus how illumination affects our perception and appreciation of heritage and plays a major role in our understanding of its past and current spatial, temporal, aesthetic and cultural aspects.

Mind the new guidelines!