Virtual, augmented reality and other techniques in Cultural Heritage for the general public


Chairs: Willem BEEX, The Netherlands | Peter FERSCHIN, Austria | Bernard FRISCHER, USA | Giorgio VERDIANI, Italy

This session will be focused on case studies and experiences in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, from the virtual visit to in-world re-enactments. The implementation of the digital world in the real one is today a common operation. There are digitally born studies, and people born with smart phones in their cradles will be soon the typical users of cultural heritage. The task to bring a valuable information to scholars as well as to enhance the knowledge of the general public is an important part of the mission of everyone actively involved in developing digital applications to the field of cultural heritage.

Reconstructed models, imaginary places, characters from another age, historical game play are just a few of the terms in vogue today that show how museum and site presentations are being transformed by digital technology today. Little by little our city centers are receiving a new virtual layer.

This session welcomes reports on the application of AR, VR, and other technologies to the study and dissemination of cultural heritage, but the main subject will be the relationship between Cultural Heritage and digital education and dissemination. Papers should focus not only on technical issues, but also on strategies of communication to raise the general public’s awareness and appreciation of cultural heritage.

This session will have a different format from what we have grown accustomed to experiencing at CHNT. Participants will have a strict limit of six minutes and six slides in which to present their reports. This limit will free up the bulk of the time at our disposal for discussion and debate among the presenters and attendees. Each presentation should consist of the following slides:

  1. Summary of the project: the cultural heritage monument; the intended audience of the application
  2. Technical solution (short and clear, stressing the innovations, if any)
  3. How the technical solution contributes toward reaching the project’s goal
  4. Results: success, failure, something in between?
  5. Lessons to be learned from the project
  6. Where do we go from here?

Discussion will be a significant part of the session. All the participants are expected to actively contribute. Session Proposal