Gilbert SOETERS1 | Michael KLEIN2 | Konstantin HÖBART3
1Beleidsmedewerker Archeologie, Team Ontwerp, Gemeente Maastricht, The Netherlands | 2 7Reasons Medien GmbH. | 3Technische Universität Wien, Austria)

Keywords: digital archaeology, multimedia, augmented reality, cognitive technologies, assessment, 3D Reconstruction, Digital Cultural Heritage Applications

In contrast to excavated and preserved Cultural Heritage Sites in the open Landscape, City -Archaeology faces the difficulty to mediate to the public about the archaeological remains due to the absence of cohesive information given by the destructive nature of urban settlement activity causing the remains to stay indiscernible.
The huge leap in mobile technology, which took place over past decade, allows us to fill this gap by providing visual information through various techniques and augment the reconstructed, virtual content over the contemporary modern structures.
Three years ago, at the CHNT 17, the City Archaeological Service of Maastricht introduced to us the Idea to visualize the excavated remains of a Roman Sanctuary, situated under the modern complex of the “Derlon Hotel”, and develop a mobile application explaining the exceptional rich decorated giant Jupiter Column of the Complex as well as the surrounding architectural features of the city including the cultural landscape of this part of the former Roman Province of Belgica.
We would like to present a complete approach to the visualisation of the Roman remains of the City of Maastricht for Cultural Heritage and Tourism, where we had the opportunity to develop and implement most of the available techniques used in 3D reconstruction today and disseminate the results in “state of the art” mobile -visualisation techniques covering mixed and augmented virtual reality together with traditional media presentations.
Our focus in this paper is to explain the entire production process from data acquisition, Capturing and Digitization of existing remains, pre and post -processing of captured datasets, advanced 3D modelling techniques as well as the concept of storytelling to the resulting Digital Cultural Heritage Application and its outreach.