Archäologie und Computer 2007. Workshop 12 Wien 2008. PDF-Files auf CD–ROM Preis: zehn Euro ISBN 978-3-85161-002-4 Bestellung: Phoibos Verlag – Produktliste Workshop Archäologie und...
Read More3-D Dokumentation des Kleinen Buddhas (38m) von Bamiyan, Afghanistan
Irmengard MAYER1 / Marina DÖRING-WILLIAMS1/ Georgios TOUBEKIS2 / Michael JANSEN2 / Michael PETZET3 (1Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Bauforschung und Denkmalpflege, TU Wien, Österreich / 2RWTH Aachen Center for Documentation and Conservation, RWTH Aachen, Deutschland / 3International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), München, Deutschland) Seit dem Jahr 2003 werden unter der Leitung von Präsident Michael Petzet, die verbliebenen Fragmente der durch die Taliban im Jahre 2001 zerstörten weltgrößten Buddha-Figuren im Bamiyan-Tal / Afghanistan, durch ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) gesichert und dokumentiert. Nach Abschluss der Räumungsarbeiten in der Nische der östlichen Figur (Kleiner Buddha 38m) im Sommer 2006 wurde für die Erfassung der unregelmäßigen Geometrie des Nischenraums eine Dokumentationsmethode benötigt, die auch die noch vorhandenen Putz-Fragmente an der Nischenrückwand berücksichtigt. In einer Kooperation des Lehr- und Forschungsgebietes Stadtbaugeschichte der RWTH Aachen und der Abteilung Baugeschichte – Bauforschung der Technischen Universität Wien kam neueste 3D Image-Laser-Scanner Technologie zum Einsatz. Das TUWIL-Competence Center der TU Wien stellte den Laser-Scanner LMS Z420i der Firma Riegl zur Verfügung, der über eine fest installierte Digitalkamera (Canon EOS 1Ds) hochauflösende Farb-Aufnahmen des Meßraumes erstellt. Dabei wurden aufgrund der Größe und Komplexität des schwer zugänglichen Objektes die zur Verfügung stehenden technischen Ressourcen voll ausgeschöpft. Das entstandene photorealistisch texturierte dreidimensionale Modell der Buddha Nische besteht aus über 1 Million Polygone und wurde als Grundlage zur Erstellung von exakten 2D Plänen (Grundrisse, Schnitte und Ansichten) herangezogen. Das dreidimensionale Modell stellt den Ist-Zustand der Nische in seiner Gesamtheit dar und bildet gemeinsam mit der an der RWTH Aachen modellierten virtuellen Rekonstruktion der zerstörten Buddha Figur die Grundlage für zukünftige Konsolidierungsarbeiten vor Ort. Das Projekt wird mit Mitteln des Kulturreferates des Auswärtigen Amtes der Bundesrepublik Deutschland durch die Deutsche Botschaft Kabul...
Read MoreThe survey of great statue in their architectonical and/or archaeological environment: the case study for the “Aula Minerva”.
Filippo SUSCA (Dipartimento di Progettazione dell’Architettura, Facoltà di Architettura di Firenze, Italy) Purpose: Very often, working on Cultural Heritage themes, there is the need for quick and accurate survey of one or more than one sculpture, sometimes it can be a part of a larger monument, sometimes it is a standing alone monument in its environment, whatever is the starting operational condition the statue need a specific accuracy, according to the need of the study and according to the finality of its survey. Methodology/Approach: The To produce a very usable survey of those statues and the survey of their environment in the same moment of the statue survey. The chosen procedure is based on laserscan survey using phase shift technology. In this way the accuracy on the statue is usable for the study of their shape and proportions, while the survey of its environment will fits the need for multimedia representation and for the need for any analysis and/or consideration concerning the relationships between the monument and its settlement. This will be very useful for researches on the status of the monument but will be useful for project study too, because this survey give the opportunity to analyze the statue and its context according to a single and very accurate survey operation. Results: The metric information build as a series of three dimensional models are now optimized for analysis and or for presentations based on traditional and/or Multimedia and Internet solutions. The case study presented here demonstrates how the whole procedure allows obtaining high quality models of the statues and of the architecture using a single...
Read MoreThe Whitall House Research Project: a project of 3D Colonial Philadelphia
Brian GADOMSKI / Andrew PATRAS / Drew NICOLO (Drexel University, USA) The proposed poster will augment “A consideration of 3D models as an alternative to reconstructing historical buildings and sites,” a 12th International Congress “Cultural Heritage and New Technologies” conference paper to be presented by Glen Muschio and Chris Redmann, Drexel University. The Whitall House is an American colonial era home built on the New Jersey shore of the Delaware River. Built by Quakers James and Ann Whitall in 1748, the house served as a home and an entrepreneurial center. Activities included operation of an apple orchard, a shad fishery and ferry service to Philadelphia. Today, the house serves as a museum on the grounds of the Red Bank Battlefield National Park. During the American Revolutionary War the Whitall’s apple orchard was seized by colonial forces and an earthen fort was constructed on the site. Dedicated as “Fort Mercer” it stood approximately 300 yards from the house. Following a fort battle, the house was used as a hospital to care for wounded Hessian troops and colonial forces. The poster will describe work, including the production of media assets, which will be used in a digital study guide to teach local history to New Jersey 4th grade elementary school students. The media assets will also be used to develop and promote tourism at the historic site. Assets include 3D models, video clips and other forms of documentation. The poster will be presented by 3 Drexel STAR (Students Tracking Advanced Research) scholars. The STAR Scholar Program is sponsored by the Pennoni Honors College, and Drexel’s Office of Civic Engagement, the program provides opportunities for outstanding freshman to work on research projects with guidance from faculty...
Read MoreArchaeological map server at the University of West Bohemia in Plzen, Czech Republic
Ladislav ŠMEJDA (University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic) Majority of archaeological datasets have strong spatial components (either in a form of geographic coordinates or just of cadastral names). Evidence and analysis of such data can largely profit from the use of Geographic Information Systems. Today there is a general tendency to build information systems based on Internet technologies. The aim of my contribution is to describe one application of this kind and present its main functions. We have chosen ESRI GIS technologies as the main software platform. ArcIMS services have the ability to publish interactive maps and plans on the Internet and these can be accessed through a variety of software clients (GIS desktop applications, Web viewers and others). At present, we serve out several projects with archaeological content, based on data collected in Bohemia. These represent surveys and/or excavations of individual archaeological sites or known archaeological evidence for whole regions. Some services are, however, secured to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data. Keywords: map server; archaeology;...
Read MoreComparison between using a single beam sonar and a multi beam sonar in archaeological fieldwork
Sašo POGLAJEN (University of Primorska, Piran, Slovenia) The contribution presents a practical account of the techniques and procedures for bathymetric measurements, which can be applied for the benefit of underwater archaeological investigations. The procedure for measuring using a single beam sonar is technically much simpler than the more advanced procedure based on measuring with a multi beam sonar. A comparison of the two procedures will be presented as applied on measurements of select Roman underwater structures along the coastline of the Slovenian shore. The underwater structures at Jernejev zaliv and at Fizine near Portorož were measured using a single beam sonar. The Roman pier at Simonov zaliv and structures at Jernejev zaliv were documented using a multi beam sonar. The latter facilitates a more precise bathymetric system, which at small depths enables an impressive encompassment of details from which maps can then be compiled. This system certainly proffers the best solution for documenting underwater structures, however due to the advanced technology it necessitates and the fact that it needs to be mounted on a larger vessel, it is not always accessible or appropriate for use in shallow, shoreline waters, which is where the majority of underwater Roman structures are positioned. The single beam sonar, which is mounted on a smaller vessel and which allows for recordings to reach all to the coastline, is almost ideal for bathymetric measurements of the shoreline tract. Keywords: underwater archaeology, bathymetric survey, roman...
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