Keynote Speech

Marc GRELLERT | Jochen SCHMID, Germany: Oriental Adventures – The excavations at Tell Halaf – Syria

Advanced Archaeological Trainings – HandsOn Workshops

Geodata processing with free software: gvSIG CE and the GRASS GIS plug-in

Organiser: Benjamin DUCKE, Germany

Cultural Heritage Geospatial Infrastructures – a fundament for collaboration and exchange

Organiser: Markus JOBST, Austria

Survey2gis: a flexible, open source solution for transferring survey data into GIS

Organiser: David BIBBY, Germany

Digital recording of features, monuments and excavations

Organiser: Stefan HOHMANN, Germany / Willem BEEX, The Netherlands / Giorgio VERDIANI, Italy

in collaboration with Kubit

Poster 2.0 – Reinventing poster design

Organiser: Bert BROUWENSTIJN / Benno RIDDERHOF, The Netherlands

Intrasis Workshop

Organiser: Karin LUND, Intrasis, Sweden

3D Scanning in hard-to-reach places

Organiser:  Bernhard MAYRHOFER, VirtuMake | Olga ZINCHENKO, Artec Group, Luxembourg

Round Table Discussion | New Perspective in authenticity, restoration and characterization of cultural heritage by using new Archaeometric Techniques

Chairs| Recep KARADAĞ / Ali Akın AKYOL / Mahmut AYDIN, Turkey

Ali Akın AKYOL, Turkey: Laboratorıal based Archaeometrıcal Studıes in Turkey

Mahmut AYDIN, Turkey: New perspective in determination authenticity of Cultural Heritage by using New Archaeometric Techniques

Viviana NICOLETTI | Nadire Mine YAR, Italy / Turkey: Why non-destructive methods used on artifacts? Key Study: Ink of Qur’an ŞE 80

Recep KARADAG, Turkey: Non-destructive Micro-analytical Methods for the Conservation of Textiles from Cultural Heritage


Organiser: Scientific Committee of CHNT 19




Complex Archaeology meets Complex Technology

Chairs: Wolfgang BÖRNER, Austria | Benjamin DUCKE, Germany | Benno RIDDERHOF, The Netherlands

Laure SALIGNY | Xavier RODIER, France: Study of the urban dynamics by a new computer application

Irmela HERZOG, Germany: Analysing settlement processes in the Bergisches Land, Germany

Rowin VAN LANEN, The Netherlands: Surveying past movement: how large-scale landscape archaeological research can aid to the reconstruction, analyses and prediction of Roman and early-medieval infrastructure in the Netherlands

Frederick BAKER, UK: Digitising difference. Storytelling on the rocks: Proto-cinema in Valcamonica, between the 2D and 3D worlds

Jörg RÄTHER | Eicke SIEGLOFF, Germany: archaeoDox – Information management from the dig into the archive

Carlo BATTINI, Italy: Augmented Reality applied to the archaeological excavations

F. GABELLONE | et alii, Italy: Methodological Approaches and ICT Solutions for Smart Cities

Joseph SCHULDENREIN, USA: Geoarchaeological Methods in Urban Archaeology: A Case Study from Manhattan Island

Jaap Evert ABRAHAMSE | Menne KOSIAN, The Netherlands: The Atlas of Urbanization in the Netherlands. – A millennium of spatial developments

Giulia DIONISIO | Anna Margherita JASINK, Italy: Usable but not suitable: traditional versus new technological display. The Aegean Collection in the National Archaeological Museum of Florence

Daniel PLETINCKX | Carlotta CAPURRO | Dries NOLLET, Belgium: Reconstruction of the interior of the Saint Salvator abbey of Ename around 1290

Josef GSPURNING | Susanne LAMM | Patrick MARKO | Wolfgang SULZER | Susanne TIEFENGRABER, Austria: Geospatial Technologies for Investigating Roman Settlement Structures in the Noric-Pannonian Borderland – Selected Aspects of a New Research Project

Rubble, Ruins and Reading, specific approaches in analysis – Trying to let the remains telling the story

Chairs: Stefano COLUMBU / Giorgio VERDIANI, Italy

Mirco PUCCI, Italy: Photogrammetry of the Microcosms: investigating the landscape of single stones to create bases of knowledge

Stefano COLUMBU | Giorgio VERDIANI, Italy: The church of St. Saturnino in Cagliari, Sardinia, reading the levels of history through the use of digital survey and the petrophysical study of materials

Maria Teresa BARTOLI, Italy: The unusual shape of Palazzo Vecchio in Florence

Stefano COLUMBU | Antonio CAZZANI | Alessandro RUGGIERI, Italy: Relations between static-structural aspects, construction phases and building materials of San Saturnino Basilica (Cagliari, Italy)

Alessandro MERLO | Andrea ALIPERTA, Italy: The fortified settlement of Bivignano. Computer graphic tools in analysis and its representation

Alberto VIRDIS | Rossana MARTORELLI | Lorenzo TANZINI | Fabio PINNA | Stefano COLUMBU | Marco MARCHI | Fabio SITZIA| Marcella PALOMBA, Italy: Romanesque and territory. The construction materials of Sardinian medieval churches: new approaches to the valorization, conservation and restoration

12:20 – 12:40 | Stefano COLUMBU | Marco MARCHI | Marcella PALOMBA | Fabio SITZIA, Italy: Alteration of stone materials on Sardinian medieval monuments: physical, chemical and petrographic analysis for their restoration and preservation

Piotr KUROCZYŃSKI | Oliver HAUCK, Germany: Cultural Heritage Markup Language – How to record and preserve 3D assets of digital reconstruction

Luca CIPRIANI | Filippo FANTINI; Italy: Ravenna’s Archaeological Heritage: technique integration for accurate documentation through 3D digital models

The State of 3D Modeling of Cultural Heritage in the Age of Augmented Reality, Xbox Kinect, UAVs, and the Oculus Rift

Chairs: Gabriele GUIDI, Italy / Bernard FRISCHER, USA

Perla GIANNI-FALVO, Italy : Augmented Reality in museums: Design and evaluation with cognitive technologies

Adele MAGNELLI, Italy: Use of Oculus Rift for an immersive “time-shift” experience in the Medieval Ages

Pablo RODRÍGUEZ-NAVARRO | Teresa GIL PIQUERAS, Spain: 3D-MUSEUM:Prehistoric movable Art. From the Palaeolithic to the Metal Age

Takehiko NAGAKURA | Woong-ki SUNG, USA: Multirama: Augmenting Architecture in Exhibitions

Gabriele GUIDI, Italy | Bernard FRISCHER,  USA: Photomodeling vs. traditional 3D data capture of cultural heritage artifacts

Archaeological Field Survey and Prospection: Interpretation and Analysis

Chair: Willem BEEX,  The Netherlands

Willem BEEX, The Netherlands: Introduction for the Session

Joris COOLEN, Austria: Scatters, cropmarks and anomalies: integrating field survey data in the Kreuttal area, Lower Austria

Francesco Uliano SCELZA, Italy: The GIS of the territory of Poseidonia-Paestum

Marilena COZZOLINO | Federica FASANO, Italy: The Latin Colony of Aesernia: integrated researches related to urban geo-archaeology realized through a combined use of historical sources, archaeological survey, 3D photogrammetric reconstructions and non invasive geophysical prospections

Kasper HANUS | Emilia SMAGUR, Poland /Australia: Filling the gap. Investigation of moated sites in NW Cambodia

Marilena COZZOLINO | Elisa DI GIOVANNI, Italy: Geophysical Prospection applied to the historical Centers

Processing old/old fashioned excavations-a useful struggle for information?

Chairs: Ingeborg GAISBAUER / Christoph OELLERER, Austria

David BIBBY, Germany: Ludwig Leiner’s Last Laugh

Arvi HAAK, Estland: In the middle of a small town: reanalysis of excavations next to the market place of Viljandi, South Estonia

Christoph BLESL | Ingeborg GAISBAUER | Doris SCHÖN, Austria: Reset and Start – The reanalysis and new presentation of an old excavation in Vienna’s historical and topographical core

Visa IMMONEN, Finland: Extracting information through reconstruction: Two case studies of old urban excavations in Turku, Finland

Liisa SEPPÄNEN, Finland: Is the output worth of input? Estimating the value of past excavations for new information

Benno RIDDERHOF / J. BAZELMANS, The Netherlands: Dorestad: The Final word. (And they said it could not be done)

Stephen STEAD | Jonathan WHITSON-CLOUD | Dominic OLDMAN, UK: Exploring inferences, time and space in the annotation of museum catalogues: The Sloane virtual exhibition experience

“Analysing the Dead” – Archaeological anthropological and forensic recording and analysis of human/animal remains.

Chairs: David BIBBY, Germany / Ann DEGRAEVE, Belgium / Karen WILTSCHKE-SCHROTTA, Austria/ Raphaël PANHUYSEN, The Netherlands

Amanda MURPHY, UK: Lost, But Not Alone: Burial records as a means of determining absolute taphonomic loss by age in cemetery populations

Emilie PEREZ, France: Ages of children and burial rites:  Evolution of child graves organization in medieval cemeteries

Raphael PANHUYSEN, The Netherlands: United in a grave, analysing multiple burials in Merovingian Maastricht

Gilbert SOETERS, The Netherlands: “They shoot horses, don’t they?”

Claudia RADU | Norbert SZEREDAI | Demjen ANDREA | Oana PONTA, Romania: Applying a biocultural approach in the analysis of the Late Medieval/Early Modern population from Gheorgheni (Romania)

Jay CARVER, UK: The charter house 25, a window to the Black Death

Benno RIDDERHOF, The Netherlands: Custer and the Battle of Little Bighorn, American iconography versus archaeology

John P. ZEITLER, Germany: Crisscross orientation in a late medieval and early modern cemetery in Nürnberg: facts and interpretations

Claudia Maria MELISCH | Peter RAUXLOH | Natasha POWERS | Ines GARLISCH, Germany / UK: Medieval space and population

Filipa NETO | Ana Lema SEABRA, Portugal: What to do with data: Portuguese information system for anthropological and funerary data

Cristina BARROSO | Filipa NETO | Ana Lema SEABRA, Portugal: Piecing together terminology in bioarcheology: defining concepts

Ilse TIMPERMAN, UK: Early Niche Graves in the Turfan Basin (c. 300 BCE–300 CE): A Critical Approach to Data Mining

Petra RAJIĆ ŠIKANJIĆ | Daria LOŽNJAK DIZDAR, Croatia: Creating the database of Urnfield burials from northern Croatia

UAV4urban_archaeology: Recording archaeological sites and monuments with UAVs

Chairs: Marco BLOCK-BERLITZ / Benjamin DUCKE, Germany / Peter DORNINGER / Christian BRIESE, Austria

Christof SCHUBERT, Germany: Multicopters – an everyday documentation tool for archaeologists?

Christian BRIESE | Martin PFENNIGBAUER | Michael DONEUS | Andreas ULLRICH, Austria: Radiometric Information from UAS-Borne Close Range Lidar

Peter DORNINGER | Dominik KRAWCZYK | Clemens NOTHEGGER, Austria: Scan-Copter – UAV-Based High-Resolution LiDAR


Chairs: Michael DONEUS / Benjamin STANGL, Austria

Ronny WESSLING, Austria: Large- scale high-resolution landscape modelling of coastal areas with Kite Aerial Photography

Angela MANCUSO | Andrea PASQUALI, Italy: Different ways lead to different results? Experiences on modern photogrammetric surveying of Cultural Heritage subjects

Lukasz MISZK, Poland: Forming 3D Database for Classical Sites on The Example of Nea Paphos (Cyprus)

Jonas BRUSCHKE | Markus WACKER, Germany: A new digital documentation tool for the 3D-reconstruction process

Dominique VAN DOKKUM | Benno RIDDERHOF, The Netherlands: Italian city-states a data warehouse for the true story of sex, murder and mayhem in 15th century Italy

Nermine Mahmoud SHOUKRY, Egypt: Documentation and Preservation of historical Cairo Cultural Heritage and its relation to urban tourism through the use of New Technologies


Category: New Technologies | Chair: Peter DORNINGER, Austria

Irmela HERZOG, Germany | Alden YÉPEZ , Ecuador: Analyzing Patterns of Movement and of settlement in the East-Andean Mountains of Ecuador

Giada CERRI | Federica CORSINI, Italy: Digital reconstruction and analysis of the Nari’s monument in Florence, a Bartolomeo Ammannati’s statue from the St. Annunziata church to the Bargello national museum

Gerald RAAB, Austria: Air prospection in Hamadab & Meroe (Northsudan)

Tomoyuki USAMI, Japan: GIS-based study of the distribution of jar-burials in the Middle Yayoi period in Northern Kyushu (Japan)

Maureen L. KING | Colleen M. BECK, USA: The Archaeology of Atmospheric Nuclear Test Sites

Herwig ZEINER | Silvia RUSSEGGER, Austria: NFC – in the Use for Culture 2.0

Francesca RAFANELLI, Italy: The complex of St. Daniel in Göreme, Cappadocia (WINNER of the 6th Poster-Award)

Morteza JAHANGARDI | Naser Hafezi MOGHADDAS | Omran GRAZHIAN, Iran: Ground Penetrating Radar Prospection at Tepe Damghani, Iran

Paolo FORMAGLINI | Filippo GIANSANTI, Italy: The “Banuelo” at the ancient entrance of Granada, survey and analysis in a fully digital approach

Category: Cultural Heritage | Chair: Christian BRIESE, Austria

Andrea ALIPERTA | Carlo GIRA, Italy: The Curch of Meryem Ana in Göreme, Cappadocia. New life in prototyping and augmented reality

Tatiana PIGNATALE | Andrea LEONARDI, Italy: Intangible Heritage, fairy tales and myths, structure for a research about the underground popular imagination and its link to architecture and archaeology

Jacopo BARDI, Italy: Diagnosis of the theatrical Cultural Heritage in Florence

Ruth CEBRIÁN JORGE | Natalia RUBIO CAMARILLO, Spain: Analysis of the distortion model of traditional architecture and its effect on Gran Canarias heritage

Georg GANGL, Austria: Observational seismology on the 1895-Lubljana earthquake: Historical reports, “unstructured” data, macroseismic classification, and practical application

Hans-Werner BARTZ | Aline DEICKE | Anna NEOVESKY, Germany: PBF Online – Digitizing the project “Prähistorische Bronzefunde”

Andrea SICHI | Carolina ROSINI, Italy: S. Johannes in Jerusalem Church, in Poggibonsi. A disclosed mystery?

Ivo TOPALILOV | Nina TOLEVA | Georgi KAFELOV, Bulgaria: The Episcopal Basilica in Philippopolis, Thrace (modern Plovdiv, Bulgaria): Challenge of Socialization and Exponation (WINNER of the 6th Poster-Award)

Luca BOMBARDIERI | Anna Margherita JASINK | Panaiotis KRUKLIDIS, Italy: The Gallery and the Town: the Florentine Bronze Age Aegean and Cypriote Collections beyond the Museum walls

Stéphane GIRAUDEAU | Valentina FANTINI | Jacopo DE PAOLA, Italy:  ”Abandoned Art Nouveau as a research tool: comparing two different methods“

Silvana Maria GRILLO, Italy | Walter PROCHASKA, Austria: The Marble Inventory of the Early Christian Basilica San Saturnino/Cagliari-Sardinia

Video Session (3rd Video Award)

Chair: 7reasons, Austria

Stefan REUSS | Piotr KUROCZYŃSKI, Germany: Virtual reconstruction of baroque palaces in former East Prussia

Andrea BRAGHIROLI, Italy: Gladiators combat

Marco BLOCK-BERLITZ |Reinhard JUNG | Marco PACCIARELLI, Germany/Austria/Italy: UAV-based topographic surveying at Punta di Zambrone (Italy) (WINNER of the 3rd Video-Award)

Carlotta CAPURRO | Dries NOLLET | Daniel PLETINCKX, Belgium: Virtual reconstruction of the Egmont castle of Zottegem, Belgium

Bernard FRISCHER | Paolo ALBÈRI AUBER | Orietta ROSSINI, USA: “The Obelisk, Meridian and Ara Pacis of Augustus”

Dries NOLLET | Carlotta CAPURRO | Daniel PLETINCKX, Belgium: Virtex: a tangible interface for museum objects and monuments

Ellen VREENEGOOR | ECHO tekst&presentative, The Netherlands: De Maas uitgediept (The Meuse in depth) | Language: Dutch

LANDESAMT FÜR DENKMALPFLEGE IM REGIERUNGSPRÄSIDIUM STUTTGART, Germany: “Entwicklung der Heuneburg” (Development of the Heuneburg) | Language: German

Christian REINBACHER | Manuel HOFER | Christian MOSTEGEL | Craig ALEXANDER |Gert HOLLER | Thomas HÖLL | Axel PINZ, Austria / UK: 3D Scanning in the 3D-Pitoti Project

Daniel PLETINCKX | Dries NOLLET | Carlotta CAPURRO, Belgium: The virtual reconstruction of Ename

Daniel PLETINCKX | Dries NOLLET, Belgium: The virtual reconstruction of the WW I Battery Aachen