Advanced Archaeological Training W7

Organiser | Karin LUND / Intrasis, Sweden

The documentation system Intrasis was released in a new version in spring 2013. Intrasis has become the hub for excavation and analysis data, where information is stored and understood by semantic relations. The possibilities of the Intrasis data model has been more utilised in this new version – making it easier to access and view data. During this workshop we will show documentation and registration for an archaeological excavation using Intrasis from survey, registration and analysis to publication of maps and drawings/plans including the following steps:

  1. Intrasis coding and import of survey data
  2. Registration of data (finds, samples, features etc.) and creating relations
  3. Import of images and raster data
  4. Analysis in Intrasis Wizards
  5. Creating layouts and export
  6. View relations data as graph


For more information about Intrasis: