Chair: P. Ferschin, Austria / G. Verdiani, Italy

This session will focus on best practice methods in 3D reconstruction of urban environments. Emphasized are the connection to the underlying survey data and how a plausible reconstruction could be derived from it. The following topics should help to focus the scientific contributions:

  • differentiating between archaeological evidence and reconstruction
  • explaining the ideas, concepts and references used
  • provide several plausible variations
  • encode the level of “certainty” of the reconstructions
  • simulate the ancient construction process
  • showing an appropriate use of contemporary survey technologies to improve reconstruction and to develop rich contents
  • showing effective methods to share, disseminate and make users understand and access the reconstructed environment
  • limits and logics in the construction of perceptive environment to let users take part to the reconstruction environment
  • etc.

It will be quite important to underline how the tools to create the basis of reconstruction are secondary aspects if compared to the capacity to center the aim of communication in the final reconstruction product. It will be important to focus on how the purposes of a reconstruction must use correct languages according to their final aims and to their users.

The session should invite all people working at archaeological reconstructions as well as critical viewpoints to enrich scientific discussion and generate new reconstruction concepts.