Chair: A. WEIGL, Austria

In his book „The Gutenberg Galaxy“ from 1962 Marshall McLuhan designed the term “Global Village”, which he defined in detail in his latest publication „The Global Village“. This term refers to modern world that is becoming a “Village” through electronical networking. Via the Internet one can get in touch with people from all over the world and travel to distant cities and countries without changing his location.

In the last decades more and more cities, communities, but even small towns have put their own homepages online. Often these homepages also include information about town history with historical maps and views. The quality, however, of these homepages is very variable and often hard to handle for the user.

By presenting Best Practice examples possibilities for the integration of historical maps and views into web portals should be discussed. To achieve a harmonization in the future it is the aim to develop standards for quality, presentation and usability. Another theme is to show ways of how to illustrate changes of cities, communities, towns and also landscapes by using internet technology, the creation of so called animated Time-Maps.

Only those citizens, who know about the past of their hometown, see changes and will step in, if a planning action is threatening to destroy the character of a settlement or a landscape.