Francesco SCELZA

Abstract: This paper describes the construction of analytical tools for the analysis of territorial sectors of Poseidonia, Velia and Laos in order to reconstruct population dynamics and ways of organizing space. It focuses on technological tools, integrated with traditional examination techniques. In detail, it deals with the issue of the formulation of an intervention with coherent territory’s reality.

The research has provided an analytical work of evidence gathering and a problematic approach to the study of territory in view of integrating historical sources, archaeological and environmental and to test the application of quantitative analysis.

At this stage it is expected the implementation of a relational database and the acquisition of the data available with the aim of developing a system of spatial relationship. It is not only to transcribe in related tables the data coming from the tradition, but to build an instrument useful to record the archaeological finds from different background and coherence in order to build the context of analysis.

As proposed, the project has provided the following schedule of work:

  1. Construction of a Geographic Information System vector-based multiscale and multilevel
  2. Construction of a Data Base:
  • Formulation and construction of a logical system (DB) for the management and analysis of archaeological sources
  • Recording of archeological data: descriptive data and alphanumeric
  • Recording of the nature of archaeological information: the spatial representation. Issues of scale, and symbols to vector
  • Recording of the nature of archaeological information: the description of the time issues of chronology and duration

The direction of research has led to consider and analyze different nodes of the theoretical methodology of the archaeological investigation. In this area there is the problem facing the comparison and integration of data from different document management systems, each of which is defined by its epistemological status. The ultimate aim is to propose a multi-dimensional story that weaves its laws with those of space and depends on this. From this point of view, to give shapes to one or more images of the human population means to analyze the structures and processes that have shaped the forms of the environment, recognizing that the archaeological traces that an area receives and stores are the signs of organization resources based on the degree of political and social structure of a community, its ability to govern the modes of exploitation of land and types of production.
