Mirco PUCCI1 / Alessandro BLANCO2
(1Dept. Architettura Disegno Storia Progetto, Facoltà di Architettura, Università degli studi di Firenze, Italy / 2Scuola di Dottorato in Archeologia, Roma La Sapienza, Italy)

Outline: This research take place in the Hadrian’s Villa in Tivoli, where, since 2004, a detailed series of digital surveys starts to be gathered by the “Dipartimento di Architettura”, in time this survey work starts to be copled to archaeological and architectonic studies. Because of its size and its complexity it is possible to assimilable the Villa to an urban settlement, the architects of this monument introduced innovative architectural elements and complex, articulated, systems in each building. This research will focus on the three main Bath buildings, characterized from meaningful planning and technological choices. The main objective of this plan is the analysis, the elaboration of the data and the consequent reconstructive hypotheses of the frigidarium of the Heliocaminus Baths, they will be used as the starting point for a complete analysis of the bath system network inside the Villa, The main aim of this work will be oriented to contribute to the understanding of the planning choices used in this monument.

Abstract: In this research the applied methodology starts from the digital survey, where a complete 3D model of the Hadrian’s Villa baths network was created from laser scanner data from 2004 to 2010: here the meaning of the survey is not only intended as a moment of acquisition of graphic data, but as a cognitive action in the monument analysis. The collaboration between archeologists and architects becomes a fundamental moment in order to interpret the data evidenced in a complete and multidisciplinary approach and to realize the graphical schemes used to investigate each peculiarity. The Heliocaminus Baths are the most ancient thermae in the Villa and they had an articulated genesis: the will of the Emperor to experiment innovative architectural solutions caused different changes during the building phases, alterations necessary to find remedies to make functional and enjoyable the complex, tying it efficiently to the urban fabric all around. It is quite clear that the rethinking of the baths systems and the reorganization of each single spaces caused a whole rearrangement of the plan, with an unusual planimetric solution allowing the direct access to the great open pool. The data of the digital survey is a valid starting point for this kind of analysis, in order to estimate the otherwise not accessible areas in the building. To enhance the laser scanner based survey a complete photographic survey has been carried on for underlining the variety of materials and the constructive techniques and their “health”. So it’s possible to generate measurable 3D models, to be used as the base for reconstructive hypotheses and for monument analysis. The objectives of this study are the analysis of the architectonic choices, the reading of the various traces  testifying the spatial redefinition happened here and its relationship with the urban and environmental context, working on a digital 3D reconstructive proposals illustrating at the best the innovations found.

Keywords: 3D Reconstruction, Laserscan, Digital Survey, Heliocaminus, Hadrian’s Villa