Alessandro BLANCO / Giovanni GUCCINI / Mirco PUCCI
(Dipartimento di Architettura, Disegno, Storia Progetto, Firenze, Italy)

Abstract: The main purpose of this research, still ongoing, is the study of the three bath complexes in the Hadrian’s Villa, Tivoli, Italy, starting from their digital survey and to analyze them using modern physic analysis software. There are multiple starting points for this analysis, but the principal base for this approach is the creation of a low poly model to recreate the ancient construction in a physical simulation. In fact all of this  complexes are like a machine for climatic control and this research will be aimed to rediscover how they work. In this way we have the possibility to control if the techniques (of cooling for example) were correct or not. Analyzing, reconstructing and comparing the models will allow to better understand “virtual” correct building and the real building in the villa. The approach is divided in four main steps. The step one is the digital survey, done to document the monument and yet in use for other researches. Step two: creation of a low-poly model of the existent baths. When this models are ready it is possible to start with the Step number three reconstructing the baths  with the supposition and theory of our studies and controlling this models with physical simulation software. This step is the core part of the work cause according to the results from this simulation it is possible to understand if the  technological elements of the past were functioning or if we need to try and to test other configurations to discover the real ancient configuration. The last step is the visualization of the data and the information converting the numerical data in graphical visualizations for the dissemination for a wide audience.

Keywords: Baths, digital survey, physical simulation, bioclimatic, Hadrian’s Villa