(Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy)

Keywords: SfM; 3D documentation; Kyrenia castle; medieval fragments.

Nowadays, the knowledge of archaeological and cultural heritage artefacts is asking for the use of 3D model. Innovative tools constantly developed make it possible for the scholars to adopt an integrative approach accessible by everyone involved in the whole process of archaeological and cultural heritage surveying and representation.
The topic here discussed aims to investigate a workflow that allows a non-expert user to produce and manage a Structure from Motion 3D model, considering all the parameters that concern the reliability of the model and its scale. The proposed workflow regards the object scale going from 20 up to 60 centimetres in architectural heritage field. Several examples will be presented to give a general frame of the possible results obtained by following a step by step procedure; the latter has been developed on several fragments now located in the Kyrenia Castle and surveyed during the international workshop “Reading and designing Kyrenia Castle” that was held in Cyprus. The final purpose is to identify a standard that goes from data acquisition to the 2D/3D models’ production and furthermore that can be adopted in the following conditions: when the whole process must be conducted in just few days, only entry level tools are available, beginner operators might perform data acquisition and elaboration and the survey operations involve a big number of objects. A further development of this strategy could be to provide a fast 3D documentation shared and available through a database for archaeological excavations. Attention has been focused on the advantages, costs, and precision levels guaranteed by SfM, as well as 3D digital model as the fundamental element of the archaeological studies.

Relevance for the conference: A contribution about consolidation and well eradicated procedures in the context of teaching methods and documenting.
Relevance for the session: A contribution that tries to put in order procedures and methods for teaching and documenting architectural fragments.
Innovation: Development of specific workflows for didactic that allow to control procedure suitable for specific results.
• Camiz A., Khalil S.I., Demir S.C., Nafa H., The Venetian defense of the Mediterranean: the Kyrenia Castle, Cyprus (1540-1544), in Verdiani G. (ed.), Defensive architecture of the Mediterranean. XV to XVIII Centuries, vol. 3, DIDApress, Firenze 2016, pp. 371-378. ISBN: 9788896080603.
• Cefalu A., Abdel-Wahab M., Peter M., Wenzel K., Fritsch D., Image based 3D Reconstruction in Cultural Heritage Preservation, in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, 2013, pp. 201-205. DOI: 10.5220/0004475302010205.