(ETT s.p.a, Genova, Italy)

Keywords: Virtual Reality; Immersive Experience; edutainment; history

Giacomo Girolamo Casanova (Venice, 2 April 1725 – Duchcov, 4 June 1798) was an eclectic and complex character: he was an adventurer, writer, poet, alchemist, diplomat, philosopher and spy. Above all, he was a great connoisseur of the feminine soul.
In part of a typical Venetian Gothic building, Palazzo Pesaro Papafava, the “Casanova Museum & Experience” is the first museum in the world dedicated to the most famous Venetian of them all. Commissioned by Casanova srl and the Casanova Foundation, it was created, organised and fitted out by ETT SpA, to propose a new look at the perception and history of Casanova the man.
This museum expands on the conventionally held view of the “experience exhibition”, or of a “virtual museum”, with an innovative multimedia setup. It is a new concept of “immersive museum”, with the exhibition layout mixing semi-transparent overlaid sheets, panels with graphics and projections, and curved and straight video walls. Original high-resolution images, essential graphic design and chromatic harmony accompany visitors and introduce them to eighteenth-century Venice, offering an incredible and completely immersive experience.
Eighteen Samsung GearVR S7 viewers give visitors the opportunity “to be” Casanova, with a 360-degree subjective-view video. Specific “mixed-experience” solutions and the various sets of hybrid display settings provide moments of shared views and enjoyment. Each multimedia unit gives “didactic – information” content in a distinctive way and at differing levels: videos, pictures and a collection of data and historical information are included. The audio-guides are in ten languages, giving visitors from the all over the world a chance to discover the true life of Casanova.
Meeting today’s visitor expectations, delivering excellent cultural content with varying and personalised techniques, by offering practical ways to enhance, but not replace, traditional cultural institutions. This is the Casanova Museum project goal.

Relevance for the conference: The use of new technologies in a museum setting makes possible to tell historical events in an engaging way
Relevance for the session: The re-enactment of the past is successfully carried out combining Virtual Reality with the traditional elements of an exhibition
Innovation: Casanova Museum and Experience exploits interactive exhibits, immersive surroundings and a compelling multimedia storytelling in order to create a valuable experience for each visitor.