Gerald HIEBEL | Klaus HANKE
(AB Vermessung und Geoinformation, University of Innsbruck, Wien, Austria)

Keywords: Mining landscape, Semantic Technologies, Geoinformation

The localisation and identification of mining structures within the mining landscape of Schwaz/Brixlegg in Tirol is of importance for many disciplines starting with Archaeologists, Geologists, Historians, Linguists, as well as Culture and Tourism agents up to emergency forces. Different information sources like historical and recent geological maps, high resolution digital elevation models, archaeological field surveys, onomastic research and historical reports only hold part of the knowledge available for the mining structures. In this poster we want to show how we used the CIDOC CRM ontology to integrate the data on a conceptual level, applied semantic technologies to create a knowledge graph that holds all the available information and finally use a Geoinformation system to display mining sites in their spatial and temporal extent together with the information relevant for specific user groups. For archaeologists interested in prehistory the knowledge graph can be queried to show all mining sites where a fire setting technique was applied to extrude material, which is often an indication for prehistoric mining activities in this specific area. Linguists and historians have information on the names of mines and mining activities that have been documented in written sources but do not know the locations of these mines. For them the localisation together with the stories of the mines and the names is a beneficial application. Emergency forces need names and exact locations of mines. For all these groups interested in specific information about the mines a subset of the created knowledge graph is of interest which could of course be generated in a tabular form and presented in a geoinformation system, but we want to highlight the benefits of a graph representation relating all the information.