Edeltraud ASPÖCK | Seta ŠTUHEC | Ksenia ZAYTSEVA | Peter ANDORFER
(ÖAW OREA, Vienna, Austria)

Keywords: online database, Neolithic, Greece and Anatolia, linked open data, DEFC app

The open access online database called DEFC app, available on https://defc.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/, is a work in progress that stores archaeological research data on Neolithic Greek and Western Anatolian sites and finds. The Django-based web-application has been designed in the framework of the Digitizing Early Farming Cultures Project, which aims to integrate and harmonize archaeological research data (analogue and digital) on Neolithic Greece and Western Anatolia in order to provide a basis for studying archaeological phenomena collaboratively across the whole region for the first time.
So far the database includes information extracted from several publications as well as unpublished work containing excavation and other archaeological reports. At the moment users can browse, filter and download information on over 800 archaeological sites. The sites with known spatial coordinates can also be visualized and filtered using an interactive map. Furthermore, the database supports additional media content such as 3D models of selected sherds from the Fritz Schachermeyr pottery collection and for registered users also an image glossary, which depicts the pottery typology of that period and region. The image glossary is a support tool for the data entry process. Moreover, the DEFC app homepage includes video content that is unlike the database content more noticeably directed also to the layman public.
Through the DEFC app archaeological legacy data concerning the topic are for the first time available in a searchable form and can be used and reused by archaeologists first and foremost but also by interested public. As the database complies with existing standards and guidelines, further work can focus on interoperability and linked open data by mapping the database to CIDOC CRM, storing the data in a triple store and enabling data querying via SPARQL endpoint.