Laura FARRONI | Matteo Flavio MANCINI | Silvia RINALDUZZI
(dipartimento architettura roma tre, Rome, Italy)

Keywords: digital transcriptions, 3D digital models, unbuilt architectural

The present paper proposes some considerations on methods aimed to the construction and visualization of 3D digital models based on design drawings of unbuilt architectures. In this case, some of the Francesco Cellini’s projects, provided by the author and now retained at the Projects Archive of the IUAV University of Venice, were analyzed. The methods of digital construction have been aimed at highlighting and disseminating the architect’s poetics, design strategies and spatial configurations. The tested procedures considered the most suitable visual language to communicate the different degrees of verisimilitude (from the symbolic to the iconic) in the process, allowing to manage the quantity and quality of information throughout the whole process, from data acquisition to final visualization. Various variables were considered, such as: the type of recipients, the quantity and quality of the starting data and the possible interpretations of the available sources according to the theoretical assumptions considered. Such assumptions refer to the architectural restoration theories and allow to consider the visual design as a deferred project of the original one.
The final product is a geometric and information model in which both the steps of interpretation and the final result can be identified. The steps description of the reconstruction process allows the verification and critical systematization of the sources while the final result intends to communicate the interpretation of the architect’s work and poetics. In order to describe the type of model realized and aiming at the establishment of a shared methodology in the field of virtual reconstructions of unbuilt architectures we propose, in analogy with the concept of Italian LOD applied to BIM, the experimentation of a Level Of Reconstruction value (LOR ) that is a function of both the level of detail and metric/geometrical accuracy and the level of reliability of the reconstruction itself.

Relevance for the conference: Theory, tools and methods for the study and digital enhancement of cultural heritage retained in architectural archives
Relevance for the session: A focus on the existing relationships between visual language and the knowledge entrusted in the design drawings of unbuilt architectural projects
Innovation: Experimentation of a Level Of Reconstruction (LOR) value aimed to establish a scientific approach to the architectural reconstruction process

  • T. Maldonado, “Reale e Virtuale”. Milano: Feltrinelli, pp. 15-154, 2007
  • M. Manieri Elia, “La conservazione: opera differita”, in Casabella, 582. Milano: Mondadori, 1991, pp.43-45.