
Chairs: Carmen LÖW, Kuratorium Pfahlbauten, Vienna, Austria | Karina GRÖMER Prehistoric Department, Natural History Museum Vienna, Austria

Description of the session: Analog reconstructions and presentations of prehistoric artefacts, houses and the like have a long tradition. At latest since the beginning of the 20th century they are commonly goods in museums and other places to support cultural mediation. Lately exhibition makers take more and more advantages of the various possibilities offered by digital media. The number of archaeological apps increases almost daily and it becomes cheaper and cheaper to create augmented reality devices. At the same time it seems that digital tools, with their almost limitless possibilities, rarely have a solid theoretical background in terms of theories of professional cultural mediation. All too often, the mediation approach is a purely affirmative one, reducing the possibilities of the user to pure consumption.
In addition it seems that the digital device is often given preference over its analogue counterpart because it looks more up to date and not because it is the better approach to achieve the mediation goal – which it undoubtedly is in many cases, but not in all.
We invite presenters to our session who want to share their own experiences with the both and show best and worst practice examples. We would like to hear more about to the underlying mediation approaches that led to the selection of the chosen tools. In addition presenters should discuss long term observations of analogue and digital reconstructions, e.g. in exhibitions, like additional costs, maintenance, usability and the interaction of visitors with the tools selected.

Target group: People with a work focus in cultural mediation, i.e. staff members of museums exhibition designers, researchers who present their work to the brought public, but also people with focus in digital heritage.

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