Manfred Schrenk / Timo von Wirth

(, Wien, Österreich)

The CENTROPE region is a unique region located in the heart of Europe and covers parts of 4 countries: the Vienna Region (the Austrian provinces of Burgenland, Lower Austria, Vienna); in the Czech Republic the regions of South Bohemia and South Moravia; in Slovakia the regions of Bratislava and Trnava and in Hungary the counties of Gyõr-Moson-Sopron and Vas.
CENTROPE is one of the continent’s most dynamic regions.
Providing a high-quality spatial data infrastructure and efficient tools for spatial analysis with new information and communication technologies are fundamental for political and economic decision support within the increasing competition between European regions.

As it is not possible and does not make any sense in up-to-date-data-management to create “one central server” with all the data on it, the approach is to combine distributed Web-Map-Services.
The situation to have 4 countries with different languages, different geographic reference systems and different administrative structures makes the task to build a common geoinformation-infrastructure for the Centrope region a very challenging one.
The actual state of the development to integrate several WMS from different institutions in different locations will be presented.