(Independent Architect researcher, Belgrade, Serbia)

Keywords: 3D Study, Visualization, pilgrimage

A long-term Project of 3D Visualization of Caričin Grad – Justiniana Prima has started in 2002 as project that follows annual archaeological researches at Caričin Grad archaeological site, maintained by the Institute of Archaeology in Belgrade and University of Strasbourg / French School in Rome. Three phases of this Project were supported by the Romano-Germanic Museum in Mainz – RGZM, 2010, 2012 and 2017 . Within the same institution in Mainz and with support of Leibniz Society, a large “Pilgrimage Project” was achieved 2012-2015, within which 3D Architectural studies were accomplished for two early-Christian pilgrimage centers – Abu Mena near Alexandria and Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.
Following recent finding of three yet unexplored basilicas in Lower town of Caričin Grad that were evidenced by geo-radar, Caričin Grad could be joined to the group of urban agglomerations with arranged pilgrimage center at one part of its urban core. All three pilgrimage centers although differs from each other by the level of significance for the Christian oecumene, if analyzed as specific urban spatial agglomerations – newly erected town, ancient urban center and gradually developed pilgrimage settlement, share certain urban-architectural features which are caused by their sacral content primarily. Each of these pilgrimage complexes functioned differently when liturgy and ecclesiastical rituals are involved – Holy Sepulcher or Eusebius’s “Church of Resurrection” was organized as peripatetic church complex, martyrium complex in Abu Mena in its greatest phase comprehend tripartite church complex gradually erected above Saint’s tomb while in Caričin Grad entire east portion of the walled Lower town was dedicated to the pilgrimage center of Justiniana Prima, anchored with its martyrium basilica within the group of four other basilicas, all different in primary structure and size.
Different solutions in urban planning, caused by the topography, already existing urban tissue and necessities for smoothly conveying of the entire pilgrimage routine, reflected in architectural solutions as well, where we could trace different approaches in design of the outer appearances of sacral spaces but similarities in organizing interiors of the church edifices.