Cristian Schuster1 / Alexandru Morintz1 / Adrian Mocanu2

(1Institute of Archaeology „Vasile Pârvan”, Bucharest / 2University „Valahia” Târgoviste, Romania)

The paper suggests the registration of the archaeological data collected during the annuals archaeological campaigns directly upon the 3D model of the site. The initial model was created by a synthesis of both the older excavations (1971-1985) and most recents ones (2004-2005). The primary topographic measurements have been completed with with those carried out by us, but also with magnetometric investigations made by American colleagues, involved in our research project.
Upon the 3D model are also rendered the digital processing of the surrounding areas, as the knowledge of the environment provides a more clear image of the antique landscape, contemporaneous to the functiong of the Getic fortress.
The complexes unearthed in our recent excavations are computed, being „shaped” as a 3D model. In this sense, we have examples like the hearths, identified in the perimeter of the houses, but also outside them.
We put all the exacavating sections on the 3D model. It is our wish to try a 3D assemblage of all past and future finds.