Call for Short Papers

Keywords: FAIR principles, data management, data preservation, data integration, e-infrastructures

In this round table we will present two European archaeological projects that began this year: ARIADNEplus and SEADDA. Both are concerned with the implementation of the FAIR principles in Archaeology, so that data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.

ARIADNEplus (Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archaeological Data Networking in Europe) builds on the results of the ARIADNE project, which successfully integrated European archaeological repositories and created a searchable catalogue of datasets. ARIADNEplus will update existing data and will extend the ARIADNE dataset geographically, temporally and thematically by incorporating additional information from scientific analyses. It will develop a Linked Data approach to data discovery, providing innovative services, such as visualization, annotation, text mining and geo-temporal data management. Innovative pilots will be developed to test and demonstrate the innovation potential of the ARIADNEplus approach.

The COST Action SEADDA (Saving European Archaeology from the Digital Dark Ages) deals with the problem that, because digital data is fragile and most archaeological research cannot be repeated, there is a danger of losing a generation of research to the Digital Dark Age. To mitigate this crisis SEADDA brings archaeologists and data management specialists together to share expertise and create resources that allow them to address problems in the most appropriate way within their own countries. It will bring together an interdisciplinary network of archaeologists and computer scientists; experts in archaeological data management and open data dissemination and re-use. It will examine the state of the art for archaeological archiving and build capacity by organising meetings and training to allow archaeologists from countries with archiving expertise to work with those with fewer options, sharing knowledge and encouraging dialogue.

The format of the round table will be presentations and discussions.

Mind the new guidelines!