(IANUS c/o Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin, Germany)

Keywords: data archive, infrastructure, buisiness model, stakeholder analysis, archaeological data

The research data centre IANUS is currently on its way to being a national data repository for archaeology and ancient studies in Germany. Up to now it is still a project with a second 3-year funding but we strive to become a permanent infrastructure with reliable services. From this perspective we can contribute to the round table discussion with insights about the current situation of IANUS, about its strategies and about its experiences so far. We can offer some answers to the questions described: what are our stakeholders, how is IANUS organized, how is the disciplinary community in Germany involved, what governing bodies exist and are planned, what is the financial concept, who could be institutional partners to ensure a long-term funding, what legal issues are to be addressed, how important is public relations work? The answers we can give are very much still work-in-progress but might be helpful for other projects and actors. We can also add our observation on the current developments in Germany where many institutional or regional data centres evolve, some disciplinary digital infrastructures already exist and many initiatives in-between these positions are coming (and going). Moreover, we can bring in and discuss two results from our first project phase: a stakeholder analysis about data handling in archaeology and ancient studies in Germany and a small evaluation of 20 different data collections from various authors which highlights the heterogeneity in data organization and diversity of data formats in archaeological projects.

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The preservation and re-use of archaeological research data is the main service of IANUS as a national repository in Germany for archaeology and ancient studies.

IANUS is one of the first discipline specific archival infrastructures being built up in Germany in the field of the humanities.

HEINRICH, M. / SCHÄFER, F. (2014): IANUS. Archivierung von digitalen Forschungsdaten in den Altertumswissenschaften, in: J. Filthaut (Hrsg.), Von der Übernahme zur Benutzung. Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der digitalen Archivierung, 18. Tagung des Arbeitskreises Archivierung von Unterlagen aus digitalen Systemen am 11.–12. März 2014 in Weimar (Weimar 2014), 11–20.
