(Kocaeli University, Faculty of Fines Arts, Department of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Properties, Kocaeli, Turkey)

Keywords: industrial heritage, SEKA Paper Museum, augmented reality

Industrial heritage today is being taken even more seriously by academic scholarship. It is due to the instituting of heritage studies across humanities, social sciences and natural sciences and developments in contemporary archaeology. Industrial heritage is broadly defined by many specialists after Nizhny Tagil Charter (2003) as consisting of “the remains of industrial culture which are of historical, technological, social, architectural or scientific value”. Industrial sites such as the early production units and factories in Turkey are generally abandoned and forgotten; only a few of them however were preserved and museumized. Meantime, industrial heritage comprises more then just material culture, but also valuable intangible forms of heritage. In the case of factories as the products of early industrial developments in Turkish Republic during 20’s and 50’s, they provide us important insights about the structural alteration in culture and social life in the region. Lives in factories and their campus areas were the representation of transforming identities of young republic. Therefore, preserving and conserving of such sites should consider not just the building itself but tangible and intangible heritages values together. Temporal layers including the time when the factory was still active, when it was abandoned and spatial layers including living and working quarters of industrial sites should be equally transmitted to various targets groups. Probably the best way to accomplish this is using augmented reality applications. This project considers how augmented reality contributes to perception of visitors with maintaining cultural mediation in SEKA Paper Museum situated former pulp and paper mill in Kocaeli district. It also suggests that cultural heritage specialist today should participate more in such studies in order to design accurate substructure, interface and content.

Relevance for the conference: The project is about new media applications in industrial heritage sites
Relevance for the session: The project considers theoretical frameworks of digital applications on heritage values and their perception by users.
Innovation: the corporation of the experts on the fields of cultural heritage, photography, art and computer technology and consideration of industrial heritages sites from a wider perspective in Turkey
• The Cambridge companion to historical archaeology (Dan Hicks and Mary C. Beaudry, 2006)
• Interdisciplinary Cooperation in the Virtual Presentation of Industrial Heritage Development (Vladimír Hain Robert Löffler ViliamZajíček, 2016)