Ferdinando MARINO1 / Valentina TROTTA2 / Veronica BORELLI1
(1University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy / 2University of Siena , Italy)


…When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind…”. With these words, the scottish phisicist William Thompson insisted about a concept dear to all men of science: to structure all the data of a scientific research as parts of a always verifiable, reliable and measurable series of elements, which range has to be, in the first instance, analysable and then interpretable.
This kind of scientific study is essentially based on the accuracy of information and data, as a principle also applied to those fields, such as archeology of landscapes, which are on the border between the humanistic and technological areas.
The case study of the northern part of the Kroton’s territory, which is included in the scientific activity of the ‘Filotteteproject’, a project run by the chair of Archaeology and History of Greek and Roman Art of ‘La Sapienza’ University, presents various aspects of great interest coming both from the fields of archaeology and landscape studies.
The importance of this research lies in the application of methods, such as geo-referencing of archaeological data, that have led to substantial progress in the standard of accuracy of the documentation that, until 2010, was conducted in the Kroton area only with traditional types of survey studies (historical sources analysis and surface surveys with a low level of accuracy or even whitout any sort of cartographic reference).