Laura LAI1 / Matteo SORDINI2
(1University of Ferrara / 2University of Siena, Italy)

Keywords: 3D modeling, laser scanner, photogrammetry, 3D documentation, archaeological analysis

The research presented in these pages is about reality-based 3D modeling for documentation,archaeological analysis and communication of a prehistoric site called Nuraghe Oes. A“nuraghe” is a megalithic monument built only in Sardinia during the Bronze Age; Nuraghe Oes is a complex type of nuraghe, well preserved, composed by a three-tower bastion connected with a main tower. The first season of stratigraphic investigation revealed the need for a high-quality documentation of the archaeological site to preserve and to understand it better: we planned a complete 3D survey to create a high resolution 3D model using terrestrial laser scanning and close range photogrammetry. The use of multiple techniques was an essential requirement to produce a complete 3D model of the monument, but also it was the best compromise among geometric resolution, costs and time. Data processing was a timeconsuming operation performed using different kinds of softwares. From the points of view of documentation and archaeological analysis we produced CAD technical drawings that illustrate elevations, sections and plans as well as elaborating a measurable 3D PDF with the geometry of the monument: these products have been used both for preserving proposals by the Archaeological Superintendency and to perform archaeological analyses and interpretations. Furthermore, exploiting the objectivity of the 3D recording, we tried to propose a standard scheme for the analysis of different features of this kind of monuments in order to improve and rationalize the typological comparison between nuraghi. Lastly, we rendered and edited a video to communicate the results of the archaeological research about the Nuraghe Oes: the short movie leads people into the monument through a virtual tour, showing aspects and peculiarities of the megalithic building.