Niccolò ALBERTINI1 / Anna Margherita JASINK2 / Barbara MONTECCHI2
(1Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa / 2Università di Firenze)

Keywords: minoan seals, 3D Models, Archaeology and Phylology

Seals are small semi-precious or common stones cut into standard shapes, polished and engraved with ornamental patterns. Sealings are small clay lumps impressed one or more times by seals and occasionally inscribed. In the Minoan Palatial administrative system (First half of the II Millennium BC) some types of sealings were used as receipts or tokens to check incoming and outgoing of commodities, other types were fastened to commodities and/or to documents written in perishable material as labels. A selection of Minoan seals and sealings are currently housed in the Archaeological Museum of Florence and the Prehistoric Museum Pigorini of Rome. Almost all the sealings kept in these two museums come from the site of Haghia Triada (South-Central Crete), the only exception is one from Zakros (Eastern Crete), for a total of 40 pieces. All are dated to the Neopalatial Period (around the XVI cent. BC). Neopalatial sealings are grouped in four main types, which are all represented in the Italian collections, apart from the roundels. We intend to elaborate 3D models of the most representative and best preserved seals and sealings housed in the two Italian Museums with the aim of applying a multidisciplinary methodology designed to develop solidly based hypotheses on the use and function of such items. Sealings show different shapes and bear various signs and traces on the clay, which can be valorised in the 3D models. Finally, we intend to show a brief virtual simulation of the suggested scenarios to verify the verisimilitude of the elaborated hypothesis. In other words, we intend to operate an update of the traditional practices of experimental archaeology, with the technical assistance of a specialist in 3D laser scanner survey applied to cultural heritage. Therefore, the present contribution is aimed at integrating theoretical and “experimental” studies, conducted with updated technical.