Call for Papers

Chair: Meredith COHEN
(University of California, Los Angeles, USA)

In recent years, new technologies have been applied with increasing frequency to spaces and structures from the European Middle Ages. Yet many question whether such technologies really yield new information that enriches history or whether they are just gadgets that mimic the same approaches which have long defined research in architectural history. How have new technologies changed the study of architectural history and/or generated knowledge that cannot be obtained otherwise? This panel will showcase these new approaches and insights found through meticulous applications of new technologies to historical data, driving and defining the future of the study of medieval architecture and the urban environment.

We invite papers that have made new insights in architectural or urban history based on:

  • 3D reconstructions based on historical data of lost monuments, parts of monuments, or fragments
  • ground penetrating radar to uncover lost monuments in built environments
  • laser scans of extant monuments as a tool for historical and structural analysis
  • augmented reality and the experience of medieval architecture and urban spaces
  • digital mapping tools
  • recreations of sonic environments
  • databases that generate new information about extant or lost structures or spaces