Alexandru Morintz1 / Simona Lungu2

(1Institute of Archaeology „Vasile Pârvan”, Bucharest / 2University „Dunãrea de Jos”, Galati, Romania)

This paper is part of a larger program, meant to enhance the value of some of older excavations carried out in Romania in the past 50 years. The project is focused upon saving archaeological site-documentation on a system of “magnetic support” and computer processing. In our contribution, we intend to present some of the on-going results of this project, namely in the way we have conceived the 3D modelling of selected Neolithic and Chalcolithic sites on the lower course of the Danube River. The 3D models were created by putting together planimetric elements (topographic maps, plans of the site, etc.) with the altimetric ones (profiles of the excavated sections). The accuracy of the models was then checked with photos taken during research. Afterwards, the archaeological complexes that were discovered were placed on the 3D models. For some of the sites, where the information made it possible, some new reconstruction proposals were advanced.

In our contribution, we will present examples of the re-assessment of these older investigations — for example, the prehistoric settlements of M?guerele, Teiu, Hârsova and Cernavod?. Since we are pioneers in the use of this kind of technology in Archaeology in Romania, we consider the introduction of this way of presenting archaeological finds to colleagues, of considerable benefit to us and them. We believe that the “publication” of archaeological finds using 3D models, and the way we are doing this, can improve archaeological research and interest in Romanian heritage. The replacement of the 2D image with the 3D image in our thinking processes, the positioning of the model using our approach, and, finally, the general reconstruction of the sites, will enhance the accessibility to this archaeological information.