The organisers of CHNT 25 invite everyone to submit their contribution as long abstract.The Urban Archaeology of Vienna will publish the proceedings online and open access. Publication is only possible for contributions held with at least one presenter who showed up at the conference.

Please mind the following rules for contribution:
(1) papers must be submitted in the correct format by July 31, 2020   at the latest. Please download the template here
(2) additional instructions can be found in the template
(3) long abstracts must be one (1) until (2) pages in length and contain 250 words or above
(4) at least one illustration are required
(5) and one significant reference (not mandatory)
(6) long abstracts must not be written in first person (“the survey project was planned” instead of “we planned the survey project”) or active voice
(7) long abstracts must be written either in British or American English (the spelling should not be mixed).
(8) submission of the submission form belowTo submit your long abstract, please: fill in the submission form send your files (DOC(X) or ODT and PDF) via or similar to:

All submissions will be subject to a single round of academic refereeing. It is therefore possible that your submission is rejected or you will be asked to make some changes to your long abstract before it is accepted. In the case of acceptance you will have different possibilities for publication.