(Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy)

Keywords: Archaeological Area, visual arts, new realities

My research forms part of the current debate on the development of the archaeological landscape in an urban context.
I start by looking at the relevance of our “archaeological heritage” in the modern world and at how the way in which we are exposed to our heritage has developed. From being the preserve of elite to it becoming a base resource for mass tourism.
In the past, the presentation and layout of the archeological sites in Rome were structured in a way that limited access to scholars.
Today mass tourism has opened up our archaeological heritage to a mixed audience.
How can one inform the tourist, packaging the information in a way that is readily accessible without debasing that information?
In coming up with a solution to the problems of presentation, various bodies within Rome opted for an approach using a digital media such as AR “augmented reality” A live but indirect view of archeological sites augmented by computer generated sensory input such as video, graphics and sound in order to convey information in an entertaining way.
Augmented reality has been experimented with, as a guide to various sites such as: The Roman Domus of Palazzo Valentini, Cesare’s Forum, and the projections of the great fire of AD64 during the reign of Nero at Augusto’s Foro and at Domus Aurea.
Using digital technology is one way of opening up and giving the public a key to understanding Rome’s archaeological heritage.
Augmented reality can add to the experience of both those that are familiar with the historical layout of the archaeological sites as well as those that are coming anew.
With all that the computer generated sensory input can impart, such as video, graphics and sound, the fundamental and perhaps the most important experience remains that of being there. Being on site and seeing with one’s own eyes.

Relevance conference/ Relevance session:
New methods to promote the archaeological landscape in an urban context.

New approach using a digital media such as AR “augmented reality” in Rome’s Archaeological Area


– Domus of Palazzo Valentini
– Caesar and Augusto’s Forum in the Augmented Reality experience of “Viaggio nei Fori”
