(Viborg Museum, Viborg, Denmark)

Keywords: Moleology, 3d, Castle

In the area just south of Viborg in the central part of Jutland, Denmark, an impressive number of earthworks or remnants thereof can be seen. These earthworks collectively called Hald I-V were built from the 13th century and up to the 18th century.
As a part of a project to create an increased availability to the area for the public and to make these areas better known, the archaeologist of Viborg Museum was allowed to open up new trenches to investigate some of the five Hald’s. This poster focusses on the earthwork Hald II, either known as Niels Bugges Hald (The Hald belonging to Niels Bugge), Gammel Hald (Old Hald) or just simply Hald II, and how the investigations there, thoroughly disproves the connection between Niels Bugge and the specific earthwork. A connection otherwise completely accepted and set in stone, with even a nearby inn bearing the name, Niels Bugges Kro (Niels Bugges Inn).
The investigation consisted of several trenches, based partially on non-destructive survey and molehills. All trenches was registered either via 2d photogrammetry or “structure from motion” 3d documentation, this including an oven and its surrounding area.
A combination of the results in the trenches, OSL dating samples (Optically Stimulated Luminiscense) and C14 dating, not only reveal an incomplete rampart, that was never fully constructed and later demolished, but also reveals that chronologically, there was never a connection between Niels Bugge, and the earthwork that is credited to his name.