Matthias FLÜCK
(Kantonsarchäologie Aargau, Brugg, Switzerland)


Between 2008 and 2009 the Kantonsarchäologie Aargau and several extern partners (Universitiy of Basel, University for applied sciences Northwester Switzerland, private companies) realized a new model of the legionary camp of Vindonissa (Windisch/Switzerland) and its surrounding civil settlements. On the base of substantiated scientific research it was possible to provide the model with a high level of detail, thus giving the reconstruction of the situation around 90 AD a maximum of plausibility.
From the digital CAD data, the buildings were printed out directly by a 3D-printer. The model now shows well over 550 buildings on a surface of 3.2 x 2.32 m on the scale of 1:450 and is one of the new attractions of the Vindonissa-Museum in Brugg (Switzerland).
Our aim was to realize a model of Vindonissa, which satisfies at the same time the interests of a broader public and the ones of the archaeologists. Our work included not only the reconstruction of the buildings, but also the reconstruction of the natural setting with the hill-plateau of Windisch and the landscape with the rivers Aare and Reuss. To bring the data out of the digital world into the reality as physical, 3D-printed buildings is a step which was not yet often done times till today in the context of archaeological museums and it provides us with much new information about such processes.

-scientific research (archive, excavation-documentation, comparison with other settlements, including specialists from other scientific disciplines); architectural plans in 2D, transformation of the data into 3D-models of buildings and landscapes; preparing the data for a print on a 3D-printer, printing out the data on a 3D-printer; cutting out the terrain out of the plastic by using a CNC-method; highlighing the presentation in the museum by themed projections from an overhead beamer.

-result: digital 3D-model of Vindonissa, a physical model of 3.2 to 2.3 m size including over 550 buildings on a scale of 1:450.

-transforming 2D-plans into 3D-models and specially the “coming to life” of the 3D-model by printing it out on a 3D-printer.


Roman Legionary Camp, 3D-model, 3D-Print, museum