Using Historical Maps in GIS
(Organiser: Menne KOSIAN, The Netherlands)

Historical maps can provide a lot of information on the landscape of the past. But in order to maximize the use of them we have to place them into a GIS. But how can we place them in a GIS? Especially the older maps often looks warped in comparison with the modern topography. And, of course, some maps are more reliable than others.
Besides the placement of the historical maps into the current coordinate system (georeferencing), in some cases it is essential to make the map selectable so as to query its contents.
The workshop is divided into two parts:
The first part of the workshop is a lecture on the use of historical maps (quality, source-criticism, projections and survey-techniques).
During the second part of the workshops participants will work with several historical maps to put them into a GIS by georeferencing and by vectorising the georeferenced images to a selectable GIS-table. The georeferencing and vectorisation will be done in MapInfo, but the principles will also apply for other GIS-environments, like ArcGIS.
People who want to follow this workshop need a basic understanding of working with GIS, but no specific georeferencing knowledge is needed.