(University of Reading, UK)

Keywords: Rome virtual reconstruction model

I am a Roman historian at the University of Reading, UK. I have created a detailed digital model of the entire city of ancient Rome as it appeared c. AD315. The poster will naturally be illustrated by scenes taken from the model.
The text will discuss the research and modelling processes behind this project, which involved several years of research, site visits, and the use of several different types of source data including the first complete 3D reconstruction of all placed fragments of the marble Forma Urbis.
The poster will also explain some of the results and uses to which the digital model is now being put: research goals (sightline and illumination studies), pedagogical uses (illustration for teaching materials and innovations including a university course on digital modelling, which won a UK national teaching award in 2014), and adaptation for broadcast, for viewing on mobile devices, for an online course (MOOC) on ancient Rome, and for an immersive computer game. In delivering this range of outputs the project is fulfilling various university goals including commercial ‘impact’ and outreach work. This rich mix of outputs takes advantage of new technological developments and reflects the advantages of a digital project, in which different sorts of material can be generated as new technologies and opportunities arise.