
Chairs: Michael DONEUS, University of Vienna | Geert VERHOEVEN, Boltzmann Institute, Vienna, Austria

Description of the session: Any event can be located in space and time. While we are familiar with measuring and locating entities spatially, time is a qualitatively different dimension since it does not at all behave like any of the spatial dimensions. Whereas something can be stationary in one of the three spatial dimensions, one cannot stand still in time. Time always flows. In addition, archaeology has developed many tools to properly analyse and visualise the spatial component of archaeological data, but generally lacks convincing approaches to handle the time aspect, this despite the fact that time has for many decades been recognised as fundamental in both the theoretical, methodological and analytical archaeological discourse.
This session therefore seeks papers that explore and illustrate the breadth of avenues for analysing and visualising the time component embedded in archaeological data. Papers can present appropriate theoretical and practical ways to deal with time in archaeology and cultural heritage, as well as recent original research on time visualisation.

Topics might include:

  • Visualizing temporal aspects in GIS.
  • Ways to detect, document, visualize and analyse change.
  • Non-invasive approaches to identifying and visualizing temporal relationships in a landscape.
  • Temporal aspects of heritage objects (e.g. astronomical orientation) and their documentation, interpretation and visualization.
  • Depictions of time and temporal aspects on monuments, artefacts, or paintings.

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