
Chairs: Vera MOITINHO DE ALMEIDA, IKAnt-ÖAW, Austria | Dirk RIEKE-ZAPP AICON 3D Systems GmbH, Germany

Description of the session: This session invites contributions dealing with a number of aspects related to 3D data in cultural heritage, particularly those that go beyond the process of 3D data acquisition and simple visualisation. Many of us have: (1) spent quite some time optimizing acquisition techniques (e.g., structured light or laser scanning, photogrammetry, CT scan, digital microscopy, procedural modelling); (2) started sharing or reusing data on/from databases or online; (3) and more recently, analysing particular sets of data. However,

  • why do you generate 3D data?
  • What kind of data is required for certain type and scale of scientific analysis?
  • What type of quantitative and/or qualitative analysis (e.g., acoustic, functional, morphological, simulation, statistical, structural, technological, thermal, visibility, volumetric) do you carry out on the 3D data to help answering your research questions?
  • How does the 3D data workflow determine the interpretation of the cultural heritage object and/or dataset?
  • And how do you structure and save these data for long-term archiving and accessing?

This session would like to summarize concepts, to encourage critical evaluations of used approaches, and to spark the discussion on requirements and methods mainly for 3D data analysis and interpretation of cultural heritage assets.

Target Group: Professionals and students interested in or dealing with cultural heritage and new Technologies.

Submit your abstract via online form!