Wednesday, November 4, 2020


Matti BUNZL, Director of the Wien MUSEUM, Vienna Austria

Keynote 1

Eslam NOFAL, The Netherlands: Phygital Heritage



AI methods for digital humanities – New pathways towards Cultural Heritage
Chairs: Piotr KUROCZYNSKI | Günther GÖRZ | Christoph SCHLIEDER, Germany

Nikolaos MYRIDIS | Dimitra SARAKATSIANOU, Greece: Climax: A historical script΄s AI transformation for human behavioural estimation (0,2 MB)

Amelie DORN | Gerda KOCH | Renato ROCHA SOUZA, Austria | Yalemisew ABGAZ, Ireland: Classification of Historic Food Images – a pilot experiment on the example of the ChIA project (PDF 0,4 MB)

F. Michael BARTLETT | William J. TURKEL, Canada: Digital Analysis of Historic Bridge Images

Piotr KUROCZYŃSKI | Peggy GROSSE, Germany: Ontology for Scientific Documentation of source-based 3D reconstruction of architecture (PDF 0,8 MB)

Andreas NOBACK | Lars Oliver GROBE, Germany: Preparing the past for the future: Curating a daylight simulation model of Hagia Sophia for modern data infrastructures (0,3 MB)


Machine Learning In Archaeometry
Chair: Johannes TINTNER | Bernhard SPANGL | Michael MELCHER, Austria

Bashir KAZIMI | Katharina MALEK | Frank THIEMANN | Monika SESTER, Germany: Effectiveness of DTM Derivatives for Object Detection Using Deep Learning (2 MB)

Johannes TINTNER | Bernhard SPANGL | Michael MELCHER, Austria: MD-Dating – Age estimation of wood via infrared spectroscopy and random forest modelling (PDF 0,5 MB)

Bernhard SPANGL | Johannes TINTNER | Michael MELCHER, Austria: MD dating – the statistical theory behind (0,1 MB)


AI, ML and DL in satellite, aerial and ground based remote sensing
Chairs: Apostolos SARRIS, Greece | Melda KÜÇÜKDEMİRCİ, Turkey | Tuna KALAYCI, The Netherlands

Immo TRINKS | Alois HINTERLEITNER | Mario WALLNER | Klaus LÖCKER | Alexander BORNIK | Johannes HÖLLER |Matthias KUCERA |Roland FILZWIESER | Hannes SCHIEL| Tanja TRAUSMUTH| Alexandra VONKILCH| Jona SCHLEGEL| David RUSS| Wolfgang NEUBAUER, Austria: Towards an automated analysis of near-surface geophysical archaeological prospection data (1,4 MB)

Julien WOLF | Finnegan POPE-CARTER | Paul JOHNSON, United Kingdom: Mag-Net: Improving magnetometer interpretation workflows with semantic segmentation (PDF 0,8 MB)

Juergen LANDAUER | Wouter VERSCHOOF-VAN DER VAART, Germany: CarcassonNet: A Deep Learning Approach for Mapping Hollow Roads in LiDAR Data (PDF 0,7 MB)

Hassan EL HAJJ, Germany: Automating Archaeological Site Monitoring: The Detection of Archaeological Looting and Destruction in the Near East using Open Source Satellites and Machine Learning


Architecture and Heritage
Chair: Wolfgang BÖRNER, Austria

Nurgül ÇELEBI, Turkey: Sin-Shamash Heritage From Past to Present (2,1 MB)


Round Tables

Citizen Science Go! Taking citizen participation (one step) further
Organizer: Elisabeth MONAMY | Sigrid PETER, Austria

Claire FRAMPTON, United Kingdom: Exploring the Interface Between Performance Which Has Engaged With the Parthenon Sculptures Repatriation Debate and Digital Technologies (PDF 0,1 MB)

Bernhard ARNOLD, Austria: Do you CARE? Raising awareness for Community Archaeology in Rural Environments in Austria (PDF 1,1 MB)

Sigrid PETER, Austria: Time for new ways – go one step further! How a MOOC can make archaeology possible for everyone (PDF 0,5)

Sascha KOLHEY | Isabel VERDET, Germany: HERITAGE-PRO – Interdisciplinary Training for Professionals of Differ-ent Disciplines Towards Sustainable Management and Preservation of Cultural Heritage

Elisabeth MONAMY, Austria: Young people convey history. Or how young citizens take the initiative (PDF 0,1 MB)

Rob VAN HAARLEM | Gilbert SOETERS | Natasja PAULSSEN | Lars VAN DORENVANCK, The Netherlands: How did people live in Maastricht in 1750? (0,5 MB)


Educating Archaeologists for a Digital Era
Organizer: Hendrik ROHLAND | Marco BLOCK-BERLITZ | Benjamin DUCKE, Germany

Ulf ICKERODT, Germany: Digital in pluralism Archaeology and its critic from a states archaeological perspective

Hendrick ROHLAND | Marco BLOCK-BERLITZ | Martin OCZIPKA | Christina FRANKEN | Benjamin DUCKE, Germany |Ulambayer ERDENEBAT, Mongolia: A new curriculum on Computer- and Geoscience in Archaeology


Documenting, Digital Restoring and Recontextualizing. (Comparing experiences)
Organizer: Cristiana BARANDONI | Paolo GIULIERINI, Italy

Cristiana BARANDONI, Italy: Documenting, Digital Restoring and Recontextualizing Farnese Collection in original context

Carlo BIANCHINI | Marika GRIFFO | Carlo INGLESE | Simone LUCCHETTI, Italy : Past, present, future. The history becomes 3D

Lapo SOMIGLI | Arianne PALLA | Francesca TOSO, Italy: Virtual reconstruction for a physical restoration: a virtuous approach. The case of a Roman mosaic damaged by World War II bombings

Giorgio VERDIANI | Luciano GIANNONE, Italy: Messina 1780: virtual tour in a lost city A Digital reconstruction for the Sicilian city destroyed by earthquakes (1,2 MB)

Giorgio VERDIANI | Giulia EMILIO | Gualtiero DELLA MONACA, Italy: Collection of forts and defensive structures at the time of the Grand Duchy

Luca ZAMPARO | Emanuela FARESIN | Daniel ZILIO, Italy: Research, museums, audiences. The experience of the MemO Project to increase the accessibility of archaeological collections (PDF 1,1 MB)

Ashish MANANDHAR | Amar Sundar TULADHAR, Nepal: Role of GIS in documentation and conservation of Chivas and Chaityas (1,0 MB)


Advanced Archaeological Training

3D impact from Archaeologist perspective
Organizer: Roy ALBAG | Shani ZIV, Israel


Thursday, November 5, 2020

09:00 – 17:00 Keynote, Sessions, Round Tables, Poster Presentation,

Keynote 2

Fotis LIAROKAPIS, Cyprus: Virtual and Augmented Reality for Maritime Archaeology



Digital evolutions of the City of Vienna (Special Session)
Chair: Franz Xaver PFAFFENBICHLER | Lothar EYSN, Austria

Lothar EYSN, Austria: City of Vienna’s activity in large scale Mobile Mapping and related image based Artificial Intelligence (PDF 0,7 MB)

Hubert LEHNER | Sara Lena KORDASCH, Austria: Digital geoTwin Vienna – What does geo with the Twin? (PDF 1,7 MB)

Franz Xaver PFAFFENBICHLER | Gerhard HARTMANN, Austria: (Open) Data in the City of Vienna – Urban Data Platform (PDF0,4 MB)

Wolfgang JÖRG, Austria: ViennaGIS®- Part of a National Geoinfrastructure (PDF 0,6 MB)

Sindre WIMBERGER, Austria: WienBot – the digital assistant of the City of Vienna


Nuclear Techniques in cultural heritage artefacts investigations
Chair: Dinara ABBASOVA, Austria

Dinara ABBASOVA, Germany | N.V. GULUZADEH, Azerbaijan: Authentication and characterization of Azerbaijan medieval ceramics by nuclear techniques (PDF 0,4 MB)

Laurent CORTELLA | Christophe ALBINO | Quoc Khoi TRAN | Karine FROMENT, France: Gamma Ray Based Processing for Cultural Heritage: 50 years’ experience of remedial conservation at ARC-Nucléart (PDF 1,8 MB)


CHNT 25 – the success story continues (Special Session)
Chairs: Wolfgang BÖRNER, Austria | Irmela HERZOG, Germany

David BIBBY, Germany: With gratitude: An affectionate, personal review of 20 years unbroken CHNT participation

Irmela HERZOG, Germany: Towards Unleashing the Potential of Elevation Data for Archaeological Research

Marc GRELLERT, Germany: Virtual Reconstructions. How did it start – where is it going?

Stephen STEAD, United Kingdom: Angry Young Man: 30 Years Later. Still ANGRY?

Giorgio VERDIANI, Italy: 2006-2020, fourteen years of mine between the CHNT and all the rest

Wolfgang BÖRNER, Austria: Nothing new?


Image-based 3D Documentation Aerial and Underwater
Chairs: Marco BLOCK-BERLITZ | Martin OCZIPKA | Hendrik ROHLAND, Germany

Giorgio VERDIANI | Alexia CHARALAMBOUS | Andrea BRAGHIROLI, Italy: Generative modeling from Architecture to Archaeology Potentials and challenges in the present and future scenarios (0,7 MB)

Livia ENDERLI, Switzerland: Sunken Landscape (2,3 MB)

Henry-Louis GUILLAUME | Arnaud SCHENKEL | Sébastien CLERBOIS | Benoît TRÉMOUROUX, Belgium: Good Choice of Photogrammetric Approaches during the same Mission. Ways of Saint James in Namur (2,5 MB)

Peter DORNINGER | Nikolaus STUDNICKA, Austria: High-Speed 3D-Documentation of Schönbrunn Palace

Michael BOMMHARDT-RICHTER | Vanessa BRÜLL | Marco BLOCK-BERLITZ, Germany: Automatic georeferencing for 3D underwater reconstructions using indirect GPS information


Machine visions. Learning systems in cultural heritage research
Chairs: Jaap Evert ABRAHAMSE | Erik SCHMITZ | Rovin VAN LANEN, The Netherlands

Ethan FETAYA | Shai GORDIN, Isreal: The Babylonian Engine: Human-Machine collaboration for restoring ancient Mesopotamian heritage

Günter MÜHLBERGER, Austria: Transkribus – recognizing handwritten documents with deep learning

Rudi NIEUWENHUIS, The Netherlands: New approaches to large-scale computer-generated 3D modeling. Challenges and future perspectives


Round Tables

Digital perspectives for the post-crisis recovery of cultural heritage
Organizer: Benjamin DUCKE | Nura IBOLD, Germany


Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Cultural Heritage sites’ audience research
Organizer: Andi SMART | Cristina MOSCONI | Pikakshi MANCHANDA, UK

Paloma GONZALEZ |Takehiko NAGAKURA, USA: AI Visitor: Tracking and simulating pedestrian trajectories in Machu Picchu


Friday, November 6, 2020

09:00 – 18:00 Keynote, Sessions, Round Tables, Advanced Training, App Award, Poster Award, closing

Keynote 3

Cyril DWORSKY, Austria: From Intelligence to Interpretation. A World Heritage perspective to calibrate the (un)certainty



Modelling the Unseen
Chairs: Daniele VILLA | Lorenzo CECCON, Italy

Lorenzo CECCON, Italy:AI: Inferring Unseen Pieces to Solve the Heritage Puzzle (PDF 1,0 MB)

Cecilia BOLOGNESI | Amirhossein AHAMADNIA, Italy:Virtual reconstruction of an unfinished project

Session: Architecture and Cultural Heritage
Chair: Wolfgang BÖRNER

Mykhaylo SAHAYDAK | Olga RUTKOVSKA | Vitaliy BILETSKYY | Igor YURCHAK | Natalie YURCHAK | Severyn SAHAYDAK, Ukraine:Kyiv River Gate’ is a new formula for revitalizing the archaeological heritage in the historical core of the ancient city (0,3 MB)

Modelling the Unseen (Second Part)
Chairs: Daniele VILLA | Lorenzo CECCON, Italy

Giulia LAZZARI, Italy: Morphometric survey of the Etruscan tomb of La Mula in Quinto (Sesto Fiorentino, Florence) (0,8 MB)

Daniel BRANDNER | Hans RESCHREITER, Austria: Unveiling the prehistoric salt mines of Hallstatt (6,4 MB)

Brigit DANTHINE | Gerald HIEBEL | Daniel BRANDNER | Hans RESCHREITER, Austria: Integration of Information and Interpretations of Findings into 3D and GIS in Hallstatt (0,9 MB)

Giorgio GARZINO | Maurizio Marco BOCCONCINO | Giada MAZZONE | Mariapaola VOZZOLA | Anna RABBIA, Italy: From the representation of urban vulnerability to the design of the abacus for the project (0,5 MB)

Dominik LENGYEL | Catherine TOULOUSE, Germany: The Visualisation of Unseen Planning States (PDF 0,3 MB)

Thomas PALAZZOLO | Robert REYNOLDS etal., USA:DEEPDIVE Using AI, Machine Learning, and Virtual Reality to Explore Ancient Submerged Civilizations


PhD/Master session 2020
Chair: Martina POLIG, Cyprus | Nadine ALPINO, Luxembourg

Silvia FLORINDI, Italy | Sorin HERMON, Cyprus | Anna REVEDIN | Biancamaria ARANGUREN, Italy: Advanced digital technologies for the functional analysis of Palaeolithic grinding tools (PDF 1,0 MB)

Zheng ZHANG | Arnaud SCHNENKEL | Olivier DEBEIR, Belgium: AI Guided Panoramic Image Reconstruction

Stephen PARSONS | Kristina GESSEL | Clifford PARKER | William SEALES, USA: Deep Learning for More Expressive Virtual Unwrapping (PDF 1,0 MB)

Kristina GESSEL | Stephen PARSONS | Clifford PARKER, William SEALES, USA: Towards Automating Volumetric Segmentation for Virtual Unwrapping (0,4 MB)


Round Tables

HERITAGE BIM – Process Optimization within Digitization Strategies
Organizer: Claudiu SILVESTRU, Austria | Piotr KUROCZYNSKI, Germany

Fred Farshid ARYANKHESAL, United Kingdom: Manipulation of Archaeological Data as Spatial Data and the Role of BIM and GIS: an Overview from HS2 Phase 1, UK (PDF 0,3 MB)

Thomas RIGAUTS | Marinos IOANNIDES, Cyprus: Web-based platforms and metadata for 3D cultural heritage models: A critical review (PDF 0,6 MB)


The Power of Big Data of the Past – Building Blocks towards a virtual Time Machine
Organizer: Andreas MAIER | Sander MÜNSTER, Germany

Jonas BRUSCKE | Cindy KRÖBER | Heike MESSEMER, Germany: Insights into Collections of Spatialized Historical Photographs (PDF 1,8 MB)

Aline SINDEL | Andreas MAIER | Vincent CHRISTLEIN, Germany: A Visualization Tool for Image Fusion of Artworks (PDF 2,0 MB)

Sander MÜNSTER | F. MAIWALD | M. HOFMANN | W. PERERA, Germany: Introducing an Automated Pipeline for a browser-based, city-scale mobile 4D VR Application based on Historical Images (PDF 1,0 MB)


Advanced Archaeological Training

Geospatial Analysis in Archaeology using Open Tools
Organizer: Christian NEUWIRTH, Austria



Organizers: Günther WEINLINGER| Michael KLEIN, 7reasons, Austria

Jose KOZAN | Iara KOZAN | Jarrod BURKS | John E. HANCOCK , USA: Heartland Earthworks Conservancy; Virtual Grounds Interactive

Marko MELE | Anja HELLMUTH KRAMBERGER, Austria: Iron Age Danube eLearning

Walpola Layantha PERERA | Heike MESSEMER | Matthias HEINZ, Rebekka DIETZ, Germany:Time Traveller

Stefan EICHERT | Nina BRUNDKE | Alexander WATZINGER | Roland FILZWIESER | Jennifer PORTSCHY, Austria: THANADOS

Michaela FEURSTEIN-PRASSER, Austria: The Presence of the Absence – A Walk through Jewish Vienna


Poster AWARD (Poster Gallery)

Organizer: Peter DORNINGER, 4D-IT, Austria

Peter BAUER; Austria: 3D documentation and virtual reconstruction of the castle of Waldstein (1,5 MB)

Andrea PASQUALI | Stephane GIRAUDEAU | Francesco CAPPARELLI, Italy: Urban digitalisation (0,5 MB)

Olimpia GALATOLO | Eleonora CECCONI, Italy: Towards a Computerized Physical Architectural Model (0,6 MB)

Walpola Layantha PERERA | Heike MESSEMER | Matthias HEINZ | Michael KRETZSCHMAR, Germany: Identifying Historical Objects by Using Computer Vision (0,7 MB)

Michael BOMMHARDT-RICHTER | Hilmar BOCHMANN | Marco BLOCK-BERLITZ, Germany: Cousteau-II: A semi-autonomous underwater recording system for long-term recording (0,5 MB)

Sandra HEINSCH, Austria: Digital Archaeological Documentation of Iranian Monuments – DADIM (0,8 MB)

Oliver BRUDERER, Switzerland: The virtual model in archaeology (2,0 MB)

Brigit DANTHINE | Gerald HIEBEL | Philipp LEHAR | Harald STADLER, Austria: Making the Virtual Exhibition “They Shared their Destiny. The Women and the Cossack’s Tragedy in Lienz 1945” with FOSS (2,0 MB)

Nina TOLEVA-NOWAK, Bulgaria: Yeni Hammam: History in Graffiti (2,0 MB)

Babatunde ANAFI | Eero HYVÖNEN | Mikko KOHO, Finland: Temporal Visualization and Data Analysis of Archaeological Finds: Case FindSampo

Laurent CORTELLA etal., France: Concerns about Radiation-Induced Side Effect in Cultural Heritage – A Common Issue for Scientific Communities Using Radiation for Characterization or Preservation of Cultural Heritage (1,0 MB)