(Forschungsstelle Kaiserpfalz Ingelheim, Germany)
The Palatium in Ingelheim (Germany) is located in the eastern part of the current municipal area of this city, in the so-called Saalgebiet.
The first excavation in this palace was carried out at the beginning of the 20th century. After that, archaeological research was resumed twice, in 1960 and 1993.The study area of this project includes, in addition to the Carolingian Palace, the expansion area from the Staufen-period with the surrounding remnants of the fortification. The main objective of this work is a presentation and comparative analysis of the cartographical sources for this area. This includes old cadastral maps and two other maps from the 17th century, namely Engelhart’s and the Marksburg plan.
The secondary aim of this project is to generate information which would be useful in the pre- and post-excavation phase.The application of the Geographical Information System also plays a crucial role in this investigation.
The poster focuses on the different georeferencing methods of the input sources: 1th – 3th polynomial, spline and adjust. The discrepancy between these methods and a critical view at the results will also be discussed. Equally important is the accuracy of these processes. The distortion grids will also be illustrated as an additional method for a comparison of the old maps and the present sources. The exactness of the methods will be presented with the root mean square error.
The whole process is carried out with the use of the ArcGIS 9.2 program.
As the result of this work, a few examples of the georeference adaptation in the pre- and post-excavation phase will be demonstrated.
GIS, Georeference, Cadastral Map, Cartography