Urban Archaeology and Archaeological Data:
Preservation, Re-use and Repurposing

Submissions of Proposals for Sessions, Round Tables and Advanced Archaeological Trainings will be due by January 31, 2016.
Submitters will be notified of the results by begin February 2016.

The Call for Papers, Posters and App will start February 15, 2016.

Call for Sessions
Session organizers should provide a session invitation/proposal of 300 to 500 words relating to a well-defined theme and the topic of the conference. You should define the topic, explain its importance, and suggest the specific themes or issues that might be appropriately addressed by your contributors.
The session organizer(s) will sort out together with the Scientific Committee which papers should be accepted or rejected for their session. The session-organizer(s) will also be responsible for scheduling the order of presentations and presiding over the session.

Call for Round Tables
Round table organizers should provide an invitation/proposal of 300 to 500 words introducing the discussion topic. It should address a topic of general interest to the CHNT community.
A time slot of 90 minutes will be allocated to each round table discussion. The participants could contribute short papers (max. 10 minutes) to start the discussion.
All round table invitations/proposals will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee for their quality and relevance.

Call for Advanced Archaeological Trainings
The training typically consists of a software and/or hardware demonstration in which the audience can actively participate. The proposal (300 to 500 words) must include information on the duration (not to exceed 120 minutes), experience level, and prerequisites of the targeted audience as well as the maximum number of participants.

Please send the proposals (until January 31, 2016) to kongrarchae@stadtarchaeologie.at