ICOMOS Austria Stadt Wien - Ma 7

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Communication of Heritage Information: Tangible Interaction Approach

Eslam NOFAL (KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium) Concept: Physical heritage objects and assets are related to a vast amount of digital information varying from simple, factual aspects to more complex qualitative and tacit qualities and values. This qualitative information is challenging to be communicated to visitors in understandable and engaging ways. Recent technological advances promise new opportunities to more tightly merge the digital with the physical world. This paper therefore investigates how tangible interaction can enable the communication of heritage information to lay visitors; the integration of digital technology ‘into’ physical reality, as a potential medium for more enriched and playful communication of heritage values and qualities. Through a comparative, field study in a real-world museum context (Fig. 1), we examined how the tangible characteristics of an interactive prototype museum installation influence how visitors perceive a particular story. The communicated story relates a historical journey in ancient Egypt to the physical and architectural characteristics of the entrance colonnade at the Djoser Complex in Saqqara. The findings indicate how tangible interaction is able to engage museum visitors more to accomplish additional efforts, facilitating a vivid understanding of cultural values and architectural qualities of built...

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Eating habits through time

Elisabeth MONAMY (Archeomuse, Vienna, Austria) Concept: The main concern of Archeomuse is to have a specific glimpse on daily life of antique civilizations: a glimpse into antique cooking pots! What did all these great but mainly forgotten civilizations eat? Thanks to finds from archaeological excavations, texts, images (drawings, mosaics, sculpture, and so on), a lot is established about kings and their families, laws, architecture and religions. Clothing is also identified to a lower extend. Food is merely seen as sacrifice or grave goods or medicine. Although we can admit what kind of animals where hunt and / or bread, what kind of plants where cultivated, we hardly know anything about eating habits. When and what was eaten? An antique cooking workshop is a time travel into antique cooking pots and a way to experience archaeology.  This different approach to archaeology and history should enable more people to learn about ancient civilizations in a comfortable and amusing way. In this Slam I would like to make a time travel and introduce the audience to antique cooking...

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AFFANDI sustaining a legacy

Doris GRANDITS | Lukas STAMPFER (TU Wien, Vienna Austria) Concept: Seeing how many individuals are still doing their everyday business around the heritage of Affandi, one of the best known expressionistic painters of Indonesia, can make you wonder how big his legacy actually is. Materialized in a vast amount of paintings and his self-designed and partwise self-built museum / home / studio / last home it is today, 26 years after his death, the challenge to work on sustaining all that for generations to come. Sparked by his daugther Kartikas bonds with Austria a team from the University of Technology in Vienna in cooperation with Donauuniversität Krems is working on a wholistic concept to stop the decay of the things Affandi left behind. First results of that work as well as the adventures of working in a country like Indonesia should be presented to the audience using the tools of Affandi. Hands. And loads of color. Presenting a process that uses high-tech equipment with the most basic tools humans have in a colorful theatrical...

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Structuring the Motion

Niklaas GÖRSCH | Benjamin GEHMLICH | Marco BLOCK-BERLITZ (HTW Dresden, Germany) Concept: Structure from Motion (SfM) is not only mathematical structure computed from image pixels. Our idea for “Structure from Motion” is to provide structure to start the motion of archaeology into a brighter future. A future that will have archaeologists use cutting edge technology routinely and achieving things that were formerly only possible with expensive equipment and specialist skills. The last three years of progress in software technology have shown that it is possible to document excavations, monuments and sites in full 3D without a need for very expensive hardware. Moreover, current consumer grade hardware allows archaeologists to do this work themselves rather than having to pay for expensive externalized services and skills. Our science slam contribution will use creative means of visualization (of magnitudes and proportions, such as area covered over time, working hours, comparative hardware cost, etc.) to inform the audience about the true magnitude of this technological revolution. We will create an awareness, in an entertaining way, that modern software-based technologies are magnitudes less expensive and more efficient than specialized scanning...

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Inari AIS

Nadja Suvi Tuulia DEBENJAK | Michael DEBENJAK | Stefan KRAUSLER (Inari Software, Graz, Austria) Keywords: Archaeological Information System, Documentation, Analysis, Publishing Abstract: The Inari Archaeological Information System (AIS) is developed for the documentation, analysis and publication of archaeological data to reduce the time spent on paperwork and data import and export by combining all data and every step in the archaeological workflow in one software. With the AIS all information about contexts, features, finds and more can be entered or imported directly into the system. The files and the information are then linked together, so that everything can be found easily. Our highly customizable interface gives the option to choose the displayed fields, the language and more. It also features tools like a sketchpad and an integrated QR-reader. Field workers, site directors, conservators —so many people need the same authoritative data for smooth coordination between field an office and improved decision making all around. The Inari AIS is designed as a secure system with controlled access. Administration tools in Inari AIS include everything needed to control and manage people and content. The Inari AIS enables the user to take advantage of all the data has to offer. With our advanced search engine and integrated GIS, you can visualize large amounts of data and convey information in a powerful way. The software makes it also possible to analyse data from more angles than before to make it easier to interpret the findings an draw the right conclusions. The requirements for documentation are growing and take time away from the fieldwork. To reduce the time used by writing reports, it is possible to create lists or field diaries in the AIS with a click an export the documents required by the government...

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Non –destructive analysis in the diagnostic process on the cultural heritage buildings

Francesco CUCCURU | G.CASULA | S. FAIS | P. LIGAS | M. G. BIANCHI (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Architettura – University of Cagliari, Italy) Keywords: non-destructive analysis, terrestrial laser scanner, ultrasonic techniques, petrographic analysis Abstract: This paper describes the results of a survey aimed to use a non-destructive methodology based on the integrated application of 3D terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), acoustic techniques and petrographycal analysis in evaluating the quality of cultural heritage structures. The application of a methodology useful to evaluate the quality of stone building materials and locate altered or damaged zones both in shallow and inner parts of the investigated architectural elements is presented in this study based on the integrated application of three independent techniques, two non destructive such as the terrestrial laser scanning and the ultrasonic techniques in the 24kHz – 54kHz ultrasonic range, and a third to analyze the petrographical characteristics of the stone materials, mainly the texture, with optical and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). A very interesting case study is presented on a carbonate stone door of great architectural and historical interest, well suited to a high definition survey. This architectural element is inside the “Palazzo di Città” museum in the historical center of the Town of Cagliari, Sardinia (Italy). The integrated application of TLS and in situ and laboratory ultrasonic techniques, enhanced by the knowledge of the petrographic characteristics of the rocks, improves the diagnostic process and affords reliable information on the state of conservation of the stones used to build it. The integrated use of the above non destructive techniques provides useful data in assessing and monitoring the status of the investigated monumental structure and in planning its restoration. Acknowledgements: We thank the Cagliari Town Hall and the management of the Civic Museum Antico Palazzo di Città for their kind permission to work on the Museum. This work was supported by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna (Sardinian Autonomous Region), Regional Law 7th August 2007, no. 7, Promotion of scientific research and technological innovation in...

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