science communication and world heritage.

Elisabeth MONAMY | Sigrid PETER | June 16, 2021, 08 am

During the last year there were a lot of impacts on all our known and beloved areas of life as well as the working daily life. It was especially challenging for cultural institutions like museums, because visitors were missed and were not allowed to visit exhibitions. There were also positive aspects and many innovations in the field of digitalisation. This round table will precisely discuss this aspect of new possibillities and innovations, also regarding citizen participation and science communication within the wide frame of the world’s heritage.

Copyright E. Monamy

The main questions which will be discussed are: 

  • What input did (or still does) Covid-19 have on museums?
  • What role(s) do museums play regarding citizens’ participation in cultural heritage?
  • Which target groups should be reached and which target groups take advantage of the digital museum offer?
  • How can people who do not have so many opportunities to participate in cultural heritage be reached through an online offer?
  • Was there a mutual influence between education, museums, and the lockdown?
  • What opportunities were / are there for citizens to participate in the protection of cultural heritage in times of Covid-19?
  • How can large museums and small heritage museums attract people to their collections and exhibitions despite the pandemic?

Everyone who would like to contribute to this round table is welcome to submit a short (impulse) lecture. Present your own citizen participation project, share your experiences about involving people from different backgrounds – or point out failures. We learn from mistakes!

We invite the widest range of people – up from professionals in all related disciplines to amateurs and citizen scientists of all disciplines to participate in the discussion.

Copyright E. Monamy

The round table consists of many different short impulse lectures (~10 min) and a discussion in which all participants and listeners are invited to actively engage in.

Send us your submission until September 3, 2021

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