N. ALPINO, Germany | February 27, 2017 | 10 am

Hallo Nadine Alpino,
I like to welcome you in the Scientific Committee of the Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies.
I will ask you a couple of questions to introduce yourself to the CHNT community.

Dithmarschen,Germany 2011(© Archäologisches Landesamt Schleswig-Holstein (ALSH))

Dithmarschen,Germany 2011(© Archäologisches Landesamt Schleswig-Holstein (ALSH))


  • Please tell us something about education and about your area of expertise?

On a rainy day at the project office in Dithmarschen (Germany), a colleague and I talked about the optimal use of technical possibilities to get documentation as good as possible. Once again I noticed that I miss a continuous exchange with colleagues and new input. Since 2005 I had worked in different countries and projects (mainly in the rescue archeology), my knowledge had grown steadily, but it consisted of different fragments. In contrast to someone who, for example at the university, is continually dealing with a subject and deepening his knowledge. But I wanted to bring my knowledge into context and learn different methods. In my opinion there is not only one way to get a good result. The art is to find the best possible. This requires curiosity (also look to the right and left) and the joy of learning.
In addition to the appropriate knowledge in the field, I used the time between projects to attend further trainings. First, I was concerned with survey and AutoCad, then with geo-information systems. It occurred to me that my three-dimensional imagination became better over time and I had a lot of fun with the modeling. Therefore I took the opportunity to make a further education to the 3D-visualizer. Currently, I am engaged as a freelancer with the visualization of Roman architecture.

Walterskirchen, Austria 2010 (© Andrzej Karbinski)

Walterskirchen, Austria 2010 (© Andrzej Karbinski)

  • How did you hear about CHNT?

Return to the rainy day in the project office in Dithmarschen. My colleague told me about a conference in Vienna, which he had already visited. I was immediately convinced to go to this conference, not only because I was hoping to learn something new but also to pay a visit to the city where I studied and to meet old friends.

Walterskirchen, Austria 2010 (© AS-Archäologie Service)

Walterskirchen, Austria 2010 (© AS-Archäologie Service)

  • What does it mean for you to be a member of the Scientific Committee of CHNT?

Since my first CHNT 2011 I have come back every year. I find the combination of an international, well-attended conference, which is at the same time fascinating with its informal, cordial and open atmosphere, extraordinary. Not least because of the beautiful evening events.
Even if I was alone at the first meeting, it has become a sort of family meeting over the years.
When I leave Vienna, I take a lot of new knowledge, inspiration, motivation and the feeling like having had a good time with me. … and look forward to the next time.
I hope that through my membership in the Science Committee I can contribute to the fact that we will still experience many such home trips.

CHNT-20-2015 (© N. Alpino)

CHNT20 2015 (© N. Alpino)

Nadine, thank you this very interesting interview – Let’s work together!
Wolfgang H. Börner

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