Lina KARNER | August 11, 2021,  7pm

Today we would like to use our weekly blog to inform you about the latest news from CHNT 26.

++ The conference fees are online. All participants who cannot travel to Vienna can buy a ticket for the virtual CHNT 26 and join us via hopin. As we especially want to offer students the opportunity to participate in the conference, we have special prices for all students up to 27 years of age. Of course, we are also happy to welcome accompanying persons at the City Hall of Vienna.

Registration and ticket sales are expected to start at the end of August.

++ We are very pleased to announce that there will be another round table at CHNT26. Our colleagues Pratik N. Savale and Manya Jain from India will talk about Revisiting the Past and Structuring the Future: How past Researches can lead way to newer technologies. They will also present their round table in more detail within the next few weeks.

++ The call for papers has been extended by 3 weeks. With this extension we want to give everyone a chance to submit a paper who did not know yet if they can participate in the conference. We are looking forward to your submission until 20 August.
If you have any questions about the conference and the arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact the organising committee. We will do our best to make CHNT 26 as professional, interesting and enjoyable as possible.

Send us your submission until September 3, 2021!

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