E. Aspöck, G. Geser, Austria | October 25, 2016, 10 am

Long-term preservation and access: Where is an archive for my data?
Like analogue resources such as books, maps and photos, digital archaeological resources need archiving to prevent them being lost, destroyed or in a state which makes it difficult to use the data.


Data archives guarantee that digital data is findable, accessible and re-usable. However, there are not many archives specialized on archaeology data. In fact, only a few European countries have them. Others are in the process of establishing archives for archaeology data.

In our round table we will discuss the differences in the landscape of digital archives across Europe and options for researchers in countries without adequate solutions for archaeological data.

In the round table the following questions will be addressed:

  • How have repositories for archaeological data been developed, e.g. political, organizational and other drivers (exemplary cases from different European countries)?
  • How is archaeological data different to data in the other humanities and hence has ‘special’ requirements?
  • What options are there for long-term archiving of archaeological data if there is no appropriate national archive?

The round table is connected to the session “Preservation as a foundation for the reuse of data”.

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