2nd CHNT Best Student Paper

Kristina GESSEL | Stephen PARSONS | Clifford PARKER, William SEALES, USA: Towards Automating Volumetric Segmentation for Virtual Unwrapping (0,4 MB)

4th CHNT APP Award

Stefan EICHERT | Nina BRUNDKE | Alexander WATZINGER | Roland FILZWIESER | Jennifer PORTSCHY, Austria: THANADOS

12th CHNT Poster Award

Brigit DANTHINE | Gerald HIEBEL | Philipp LEHAR | Harald STADLER, Austria: Making the Virtual Exhibition “They Shared their Destiny. The Women and the Cossack’s Tragedy in Lienz 1945” with FOSS (2,0 MB)

CHNT Committee Meeting
Good Bye CHNT 25