A. M. Colavitti / N. Usai
(Università di Cagliari Dipart. Ingegneria del Territorio Sezione Urbanistica, Cagliari, Italy)
The paper presents an integration project of the different stakeholder activity, aiming at highlighting the huge development potential in exploiting in integrated way the cultural heritage and the connected stakeholder activities and services.
Since years, the magic word that seems could save and produce add value in the hard process of the cultural heritage management is integration. Integration of functions, integration of services, integration of local and regional powers. But if we do not consider few good and successful (and maybe unpredictable) examples, we still see in large part of our continent precious pieces of our huge cultural treasures left alone, hoping that they could produce richness, attract tourists for the simple fact that they exist. How can we produce a real income for a community protecting and making profitable our cultural heritage? How can we really introduce and start a real process of integration through and around the cultural heritage? Tour operator, enterprises, scientists, local and regional government, cultural heritage institutions have still to find a common language to communicate to make possible for a tourist or a visitor, having different purchasing power, to find out the right mix of culture, food, staying, leisure. Which are the final objectives to make profitable the cultural heritage? The protection and the fruition of the cultural heritage is a must. To make this possible there must be the possibility to enlarge public funds to other economic subject. The integration consists of a territorial offer capability able to give the temporary visitor what he needs (and more) at acceptable prices.
As case study for the integration process between different stakeholders has been choosen the south west coast of Sardinia. A region where important archaeological sites (the ancient cities of Nora and Bithia) made possible the opening of two local museums.
keywords: cultural heritage management, integration, cultural and economic stakeholder, development, communication