( 1Hochschule Mainz – University of Applied Sciences, Germany |
2hochform. Architekten ZT GmbH, Austria)
Keywords: Historic/Heritage BIM, 3d modeling, 3d reconstruction, data management.
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is the answer of contemporary building industry to improve the collaboration of all specialist engaged in the planning, construction and facility management process. BIM as the collaborative methodology to plan and manage crucial information is based on the data exchange format Industry Foundation Classes (IFC),. As ISO 16739:2016 IFC ensures the sustainability and interoperability of the object-based information.
The growing interest in the cultural heritage – recognized as being crucial as well for the local identity as for economic development of the regions – increases the projects concerning the protection, conservation, restoration, and dissemination of cultural heritage. The instrumentalization of BIM/IFC for this kind of projects leads to the extension of the BIM concept towards the historic or heritage BIM (hBIM).1 The consideration of the BIM concept as an emerging technology that enables us to understand, document, advertize, and virtually reconstruct the built heritage is not new. Besides the aforementioned potentials we still have many restrictions and challenges when using BIM supporting software to handle heritage sites and/or buildings for survey, documentation and dissemination.
How to capture and describe the heritage site/building in BIM-supporting software? What are the potentials and challenges? Are there hBIM standards or guidelines? And how practicable are they? How flexible is the IFC data model behind the 3d model? How does hBIM meets the requirements of the building history researchers, conservators, project developers, planners and managers of heritage sites/buildings?
This session will consider all these aspects (and hopefully more). Papers both on BIM/IFC theory as well as examples of BIM-conform 3d modeling of destroyed or still existing cultural heritage in practice in the real world are welcome.
Mind the new guidelines!
1 Facundo José López, Pedro M. Lerones, José Llamas, Jaime Gómez-García-Bermejo, Eduardo Zalama. (2018). A Review of Heritage Building Information Modeling (H-BIM), DOI: 10.3390/mti2020021