(Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw, Poland)
The use of laser scanning – LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) in archaeological research has its tradition, particularly in relation to woodland, as well as to hard-to-reach and open areas. The aim of the presentation is an attempt to discuss the application of LIDAR in archeology in relation to open areas, especially urban areas – selected examples from Poland. Poster is the presentation of the results of using the LIDAR and the possibility of using this technology in resaearch and protection of archaeological heritage. Application of the LIDAR in archaeology includes: identification of archaeological and historical objects, review and conservation status, as well as digital documentation of archaeological and historical objects. Tha basis of research are measurements and data which are obtained by MGGP Aero from Poland. Indirect aim of this research is an attempt to enable airborn laser scanning for research and protection of archaeological heritage in Poland.
LIDAR, archaeology, towns and urban areas, Poland